I got behind again, but in my own defense, it was Costco's fault. Or Mother Nature's. Whatever. All I know is that it was kinda like Black Friday at the Costco Tire Center (which is, I might add, 30 miles from my house across a winding canyon road) all week long with the combination of a snowy forecast and a really great tire/installation sale. So I went and waited in line for a tire appointment both Thursday AND Friday, and finally got new tires on my van at noon on Friday, home by 1:30pm. Seriously messed up my schedule this week--my TG guests will enjoy a moderately tidy house rather than a clean one this week--shucks.
ANYHOOOOOOO...this was supposed to be about gratitude, not whining, right? I mean at least I have an
awesome van to put tires on, right? So enough Wag-o-the-Finger. Time for Tip -o-the -Hat.
17. My College Friends. Stay with me here, folks. I know I already said Human Love, which certainly covers these guys, but I have to do these shout outs (don't be offended if I don't mention you by name, because I promise I'm thankful for you, too--sooo many memories).
So I was waiting in the eternal line at Costco on Thursday with Niles in his stroller and I heard the old song, "Walk Like a Man" playing. This song always reminds me of my UofA bff, Tom Hapgood, because of this: One time we went on a group date to an Ice Cats Ice Hockey game, and then we crammed into somebody's car to go somewhere after the game and that song came on the radio. In his totally hilarious but super-understated way, Tom interjected into the chorus, "How 'bout 'SING like a man'?" ( you know, cuz it's all falsetto and grating--a really good question on Tom's part, in all seriousness). He truly IS the King of Running Jokes. Here is where I would insert the epic poem I wrote back in 1998 called "The Gang of Three" (me, Tom, Lyz) so you would know how the whole 1996-1999 social scene went for us but I can't find it. Let's just say I think it all began with a Very Merry Unbirthday Party at Tom's House in 1996, then Tom served as Elders Quorum Prez while I served as Relief Society Prez in our student ward (church congregation for college kids), then he married the amazing and talented Adriane (whose cousins I practically grew up with, so she's like my cuz, too) and I got to be his best man-maid. Other things, like TLC's "A Wedding Story" and Ally McBeal and Chili's and all things apple/mac remind me of Tom, too. That was a good time. With you, too, Lyzzie. And Nic, may she rest in peace, and all our U2 & U4 friends. OH! And then that Thursday afternoon, Celeste (Arnett) called me on the phone and it was like a time machine. I was reminded once again what a great time I had finishing school in Tucson. GREAT friends.
BEFORE that, in 1994-5, just after my mission, I had a life-altering year back in Provo living at Rupper #5 with my soul sisters, Erin & Heidi. I wrote in detail about our friendship
here and
here and
here, and I feel so deeply these days how much I love and miss them and wish we could share more of our "MOM-lives." But I also feel joy at the very fact that we
don't have much time for each other right now because that means that we are each living the dreams we talked about so much back then--raising children with stellar husbands in far-flung places (me in my trusty mini-van) and giving it 100%. I love you two SO MUCH.
BEFORE that, starting in 1990 and ever since, there is the entire Buchert Tribe, my other family, whom I have already written about
HERE. Here is a recent picture of the fam I stole from Becca's blog. I saved this picture because it looks like (in Rich's words), "Buchert Heaven." Indeed. I would love to be at that table with y'all, and Egans, too. In fact, it often is the promise that such a roundtable can and will happen in the future and forever after that keeps me going.
I am so thankful for all the loves at this table![UPDATE from Georgia via facebook:'Yeah! That's my brown head next to Rob's. Shall I narrate this moment for you? Each of our households had all taken a stack of thank-you notes home to write to people who helped when Heidi & Todd's house burned down. This photo is from the night we brought the composed notes to supper so the gang could sign them all en masse. There was a great confusion of John Hancocking going on around the table. I'm almost positive that this snapshot you're looking at captures one of two moments. It's either: (a) when Mum discovered that Rob had slipped in a fake note that read, "Thanks for nothing," or the time that one sample of Dad's handwriting made his heartfelt thanks mistakenly read like something hilariously obscene. I have NEVER seen Ellen Buchert laugh that hard in all the years I've known her. Lovely!"--Thanks for the backstory, Geo. I love it! And you!]
Also, Happy 6th Birthday to my nephew, Ben Petersen! Can't wait to see you next week, Benny-J!
18. I am so thankful for my TUB--a deep corner jetted tub where I can soak and read. LOVE. (My niece Rosalie turned 6 today--love you, Rosie!)
19. I am so thankful for health and for medicine of all sorts. Having a mortal body is such a blessing and a curse--I am simultaneously amazed at what my body can do (make new people! fix skin over night!) and also how fragile it can be. It is a miracle that any of us are alive and well, and I am so thankful for people & medicines that help us when we aren't so well.
20. I am thankful for sleep. It's so great that God built-in this time for us to just shut down--not just physically but mentally and emotionally as well. We can find respite from "this mortal coil" every 16 hours (or more often if you respect the siesta) or so and I think that is a very tender mercy sometimes.
TOMORROW marks my 10th anniversary of becoming a mother and I have a lot to be thankful for on that front so I'll be back!
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