This year we had Veteran's Day completely off from school, so the kids and I went shopping in Bozeman. We happened to be at Walmart (our 3rd stop) at 11:11am on 11.11.11, so we snapped some pictures to remember the moment:
Me & Addie
All the kids at 11:11: Addie, Niles, Heidi & James
The kids kept saying, "Mom, getmethis for Christmas! Iwant THIS for Christmas! Will you get me this for Christmas? I want Santa to bring me THIS for Christmas..." so I curbed all the greed and demands by snapping photos of what they were holding up and saying, "Okay, I put it on your list." Worked like a charm. I deleted half the pix...
...but here's James in Macy's holding up a model jet set.
This is from today. Addie got fake glasses at Claire's with her bday money from Papa Jim, and Heidi got real glasses today.
It was kind of a fun day, in a really somber way, because Rich had the day off to attend 2 funerals. So at 10am we went to Ray Van der Voort's funeral where I sang inthe choir and left a pumpkin cake for the luncheon, and then at 2pm (after a stop at Costco), we went to Doug Lanphear's funeral. Ray was a member of our ward family at church--a dear grandpa character for us, and Doug was an insurance associate of Rich's who died suddenly on his lunch break last Tuesday at the age of 56. The services were nice and I agreed with something that was said at Ray's funeral. Jim Blatter said that of all the meetings we have at the church, funerals are one of his favorites because we celebrate the life of ONE individual and we are reminded that individuals matter. And we also celebrate the beauties of the gospel of Jesus Christ--the resurrection, eternal relationships, forgiveness, and the peace and the Rest of The Lord--at moments when they mean the most to us. I also like coming together with loved ones in our extremities, whether it's extreme joy (like a baby blesssing or Christmas) or extreme sorrow (like a funeral). We've had a lot of fall funerals, it seems, and it's always cold and gray and movie-like outside and I think of THIS song, blasphemous as it may be. I still love it for all the memories it stirs {"It is complete now, two ends of time are neatly tied..." "Underneath the chilly grey November sky we can makebelieve that Kennedy is still alive, we're shooting for the moon, and smiling Jackie's driving by..." oooo, the guitar is so haunting...}
Anyway, we got home about the same time as our kids and we had a really nice evening with them. It is so nice to have Daddy home! We made soem Korean BBQ chicken with vegetable rice and now we are getting ready for FHE. Life is good! Rich took these pictures of
His Girls in Glasses AKA Rich's NERD HERD
just a few minutes ago:
Heidi, Jamie, Addie

The kids kept saying, "Mom, getmethis for Christmas! Iwant THIS for Christmas! Will you get me this for Christmas? I want Santa to bring me THIS for Christmas..." so I curbed all the greed and demands by snapping photos of what they were holding up and saying, "Okay, I put it on your list." Worked like a charm. I deleted half the pix...

It was kind of a fun day, in a really somber way, because Rich had the day off to attend 2 funerals. So at 10am we went to Ray Van der Voort's funeral where I sang inthe choir and left a pumpkin cake for the luncheon, and then at 2pm (after a stop at Costco), we went to Doug Lanphear's funeral. Ray was a member of our ward family at church--a dear grandpa character for us, and Doug was an insurance associate of Rich's who died suddenly on his lunch break last Tuesday at the age of 56. The services were nice and I agreed with something that was said at Ray's funeral. Jim Blatter said that of all the meetings we have at the church, funerals are one of his favorites because we celebrate the life of ONE individual and we are reminded that individuals matter. And we also celebrate the beauties of the gospel of Jesus Christ--the resurrection, eternal relationships, forgiveness, and the peace and the Rest of The Lord--at moments when they mean the most to us. I also like coming together with loved ones in our extremities, whether it's extreme joy (like a baby blesssing or Christmas) or extreme sorrow (like a funeral). We've had a lot of fall funerals, it seems, and it's always cold and gray and movie-like outside and I think of THIS song, blasphemous as it may be. I still love it for all the memories it stirs {"It is complete now, two ends of time are neatly tied..." "Underneath the chilly grey November sky we can makebelieve that Kennedy is still alive, we're shooting for the moon, and smiling Jackie's driving by..." oooo, the guitar is so haunting...}
Anyway, we got home about the same time as our kids and we had a really nice evening with them. It is so nice to have Daddy home! We made soem Korean BBQ chicken with vegetable rice and now we are getting ready for FHE. Life is good! Rich took these pictures of
His Girls in Glasses AKA Rich's NERD HERD
just a few minutes ago:

Fake glasses!? Haha. Albowins eye dr told me that for every boy he sees that won't admit he needs glasses he sees 5 girls that are faking it so they can get glasses. Clauses just bypasses the middle man!
Sorry, claires bypasses the middle man
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