We spent the firstof November recovering from Halloween, attending PTo meeting, and packing to go to Utah to take Gram back to my mama's house. On the second of November, I took Addie out of school and Niles, Ad, Gram, and I headed south at 9am.
By 3pm, Niles was getting tired of his seat and we were almost to Nana's house so I didn't want to stop. I had Addie share her Halloween candy with him instead. It worked--he didn't make a peep for 470 miles. And I think he made it to the center of a tootsie pop!
Addie's self-portrait near SLC
It was a lovely & too-short visit!
Autumn, Kristen & baby Gavin
Brent & Henry--yes, Brent is as cute a daddy as we all imagined he'd be! Henry has a sibling on the way in March, too--we're hoping for a sister!
Sam & Gram
We drove home to Montana in a blizzard most of the way. We left mom's at 6:20 and got to Bozeman at 2pm. Niles was not as cheerful this time, so here we are on a break near the MT-ID border.
Later, Aunt Laura and her boys joined us for dinner on their way back to the Billings airport with Tallon.
Here's Niles in his high chair.
Niles & Heidi
Tallon's early bday cake
We couldn't get his candles to light!
So he just blew out the "19"
On Thursday, we got up early and headed down to Provo with Gram.
We stopped by to see the Bucherts and Ellen taught us how to do encaustic painting while we visited.
We enjoyed looking around Provo at all the things that have changed in the 9 years since we moved. We are so excited about the tabernacle becoming a temple. I showed Addie the tabernacle and the adjoining park where I used to walk with her when she was a baby. We had a late Cafe Rio lunch and hung out with Mom & Jill the rest of the evening.
On Friday, we went to see the new Footloose with Mom, Jill, Abby, and Addie while Gram watched Niles at home. Later we made a big taco buffet and the Laytons and the Mayberrys came over.
Here's Niles in his high chair.
Funny things about this pic:
1. the cake looks like a cupcake in Tallon's hands
2. Gabriel's eye on the left
Tallon got his missionary books & a tie/Captain Moroni tie tack from Gram, Mom, & Me
Hugs for our BIG missionary boy!
So we're all caught up on SO MANY good times! Thanks for sharing your pix, Roo, and thanks to Bucherts and Drews and Gram and Laytons and Mayberrys for the fun times in Utah. Now it's time to get ready for Thanksgiving...my FAVORITE holiday of all!!!
holy crap snow! was that the first sign? the give in to winter or has it warmed back up. Man, Robert and I were just talking about missing Montana, but now I'm not so sure.... ;)
Of course all the snow is gone now. But your memory must be foggy because this snow fall is about a month LATE (refer to my blog...there's been a huge, soggy dump of snow the first week of October since we moved here, but not this year...just a skiff). Then there's always the sad memory of driving into town the day we moved here--October 21, 2002--and the bank temp sign reading 17 degrees. I cried.
too true. I must be getting things mixed up by living here in St. George... and in SD it rarely snowed before the official onset of winter. Very nice.
When we moved to MT it was 19*... of course it was also December.
And, interesting bit of my life... Albowin was born October 22 of said year! ha, fun connection.
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