See what happens when blogging goes to the back burner? You get a backlog of funphotos that need to be shared with far-away loved ones! Sowithout further ado, I give you the rest of October in photos (mostly courtesy of my sis, Laura). Let's start back on the 8th when Grandma first arrived...
Gram & Gabriel (my nephew, age17)
Me, Gram & Laura
Gram & Roo
Us again :)
Me (in an unflattering tshirt) and my cutie Gram
First snow fall on our mountains!
"Pete & Repete"
Gabriel & Niles
{{A lovely photo of a wooded road from Roo's hunting photos}}
Jump ahead to October 26th (Happy Birthday, Wills & Henry!).
Nephews Jared, Tallon, and Gabriel at the Billings Temple
Laura's great shot of the Billings Temple
Jared & Gram at lunch
Niles & me at lunch
Gabriel skating at our Livingston "skatepark."
Addie, Niles & Gram when we got home from Billings
Look at my happychunky-monkey!
Heidi, me, Tallon, and Addie after school on 10/26
Amie made Emily this big, pretty cake!
Em says "YUM!"
Addie & James
On Monday, 10/31 James wanted to dress up as a ghost rather than Lightning McQueen's crew chief (which is the costume he wore on Saturday night). So here's our little ghost with his kindergarten class.
Addie's class had a "Healthy Halloween" party. She made jack-o-lantern mini-pizzas and a veggie tray.
Here's Addie's Timeline displayed in her classroom
Izzi & Addie
Not-so-scary Vampire!
Lydia, Madi, Izzi, & Addie in their 4th grade classroom
After school, I offered to take the kids trick-or-treating to businesses. So Heidi wanted to dress up as a cat (her THIRD costume--Saturday she was a zombie and at school she was Laura Ingalls/pioneer girl). Addie did Heidi's cat makeup and my heart just about burst over the cuteness of those two getting ready.
James the Ghost, Heidi the Cat, and Addie the Vampire heading out to trick-or treat. (Their jack-o-lanterns are on the stairs--James' bat, Addie's smiley face, Niles' silly face, and Heidi's howling coyote)
Off we go!
My little ghost just cracked me up--reminded me of Charlie Brown!
(photographed & captioned by Laura)
Jump ahead to October 26th (Happy Birthday, Wills & Henry!).
We went to Billings to pick up nephew Tallon.
{{quick update: in case you missed the backstory last year, Tallon was born to Laura when I was on my mission in NC; he was adopted by the Smith Family of Colorado and contacted Laura--his "birth mom"--for the first time last year when he was 17; he's about to turn 19 & just got his mission call to California Anaheim Spanish-speaking. YAY!}}
The next day (10/27) was Niece Emily's FIRST BIRTHDAY!
Laura took these pix of the festivities in Helena...
(my brother Matt, the birthday princess)
Meanwhile back at my house, we got ready for Halloween!
Last Saturday was our ward Trunk-or-Treat, but I failed to take ANY pictures! I did take these of the kids carving their pumpkins that afternoon, though:

(didn't Ad do so great on her makeup?!)
(We went to the gorcery stores, too)
We came home and had homemade pizza for dinner,then Rich took the kids to Grandma's house and down her street.
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