I had to watch the C-Span Replay because I was on a wacky scavenger hunt with my Young Women's group (which included driving around with the door of my mini-van open so they could jump in and out, A-Team style, and shining my headlights on the shore of the lagoon as they looked for goose feathers, white rocks, and snowballs). Afterward we ate triscuits, cheeses, and drank delicious apple-passion-mango juice (please--try this juice! it's so good, and I am not an apple juice fan), topped off with some gummi worms. Ahhh, I love my church job.
So the State of the Union was good. It started off with a bunch of yadda, yadda, yadda domestic policy that they are gonna fight over for the next 4 years. I wish thye'd stop making social security such an issue--um, hello, government!?! No matter what any of you say, we 20- and 30-somethings know that in 30 years, there won't be social security as we know it and anybody with half a brain has an IRA or some kind of alternative retirement program, so stop trying to spoon feed us your alternatives or sugar coat the future. Or--if your a stubborn ol' dem--it's okay--you don't have to be in denial. SS as we know it won't survive the baby boomers. Come on, you can say it--it won't hurt anybody to admit it.
Anyway, the good part was the last third or so (and the fact that --ding-dong, the Dachle's gone--Harry Reid gave the democratic response; He's more palatable). Here is the single most useful piece of information communicated tonight, in my opinion:
The United States has no right, no desire, and no intention to impose our form of government on anyone else. That is one of the main differences between us and our enemies. They seek to impose and expand an empire of oppression, in which a tiny group of brutal, self-appointed rulers control every aspect of every life. Our aim is to build and preserve a community of free and independent nations, with governments that answer to their citizens, and reflect their own cultures. And because democracies respect their own people and their neighbors, the advance of freedom will lead to peace. (Applause.)
Thanks for clarifying that, cuz this Judeo-Christian-ethical republic thing might not fly east of Europe.
And it may be the hormones, but I cried when Sefia held up her indigo finger, and then I cried even harder when she turned around and embraced Janet Norwood, mother of fallen marine, Byron Norwood. That one picture speaks the thousand words to explain why our military personnel are doing what they do (at least the ones I have talked to). I think of theatrical moments like "Don't Cry for Me, Argentina" or the Von Trapps singing "Edelweiss" as they had to leave Austria. Think of tyrants violently taking over your homeland. Imagine your father being assassinated or your whole ethnic group or religious group being tortured, murdered, or exiled. Then imagine, decades later, returning to your homeland to vote in the first free election of your lifetime. I don't care what your political affiliations are--if the thought of those things doesn't stir your heart, you have no soul!
I just pray daily that, first, my beloved military brothers, cousins, and in-laws will be safe until this mission is through. I pray that our leaders will be inspired to lead us and protect us and get us home from Iraq ASAP. And I pray for the new leaders and people of Iraq and Afghanistan that they may be able to preserve their own liberty and create their own government.
Rich asked me the other day, "So what exactly is this assembly going to do?" I answered that they'd be like the Continental Congress --they'd draft the constitution and outline how the next "real" election would go. I said, "Remember the preamble?" and proceeded to perform the School House Rock Version (it's my favorite song, doncha know? Great lyrics): "We the people, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, ensure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare [note--it doesn't say PROVIDE FOR the general welfare], and secure the belssings of liberty for ourselves and our posterity..." That pretty much sums up the duties of the assembly, if the silly sunni insurgents will let them do their job.
Enough. These comments are neither researched or greatly informed--just my reaction and opinions, off the cuff. Forgive my grogginess--must...sleep..now.
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