Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Shall We Dance?

My husband is out of town and I am up late and COLD--I just finished watching the American version of Shall We Dance, and to my surprise it made me cry!

Maybe it was the Peter Gabriel song at the end (PG must have an extraordinary love life because how else would he be able to sing like that? This is a tangent, but seriously! You may or may not know the legend of "In Your Eyes," but suffice it to say my most indelibly romantic pre-marital moments were accompanied by that song. One time on my mission, I heard it just floating on the air as I was tracting in Durham and I literally had to sit down for a minute because it took my breath away).

Maybe it was the refreshing affirmation of marriage and fidelity, and that finding your personal joy always makes you r marriage better.

Maybe it was that it (the movie) reminded me of the precious, fabulous, prayed-for wonder that is my husband, who still surprises me with the things he thinks and learns and knows how to do--and with his bottomless wonderfulness as a father and partner and soother of my worries & furies.

I SO love you, hun...15 days til anniversary #4...what a ride!
Come home safe cuz your girls miss you.


Anonymous said...

Yeah I miss you guys too. I will be home tonight and I can play with you Addie. I will say boo to you. Heidi I am looking forward to your infectious smile and utter enthusiasm that your father is in the room. And Jamie I love you and looking forward to year #4. See you all soon

Jamie said...

Thanks, love--and it's year #5 coming up, but who's counting? It feels like forever anyway--what did I ever do without you? Seriously--I know I spent 12 adult years on my own, but they are a blur, and Miss Independent is now Miss Interdependent and it rocks. Drive safe--I see there's rain-n-snow a-brewin'in Great Falls!


Dear Loved Ones,                                                                                                        We have just ...