Sunday, April 10, 2005

A Laugh a Minute

I have a lot of journally-type stuff to catch up on, but first--Addie Rose is SLAYING us today! Remember, she is just three years old!

Funny thing #1: Rich took Addie to go potty during church and while he was helping her in the stall, someone came in, got a paper towel, and left. She looked at Rich, wide-eyed, and said, “Dad, was that the Holy Ghost?”

Funny thing #2: On the way home from church Addie was showing me what she learned (it looked like things that fly because she had a butterfly and a bird) and she said, “Callapitters wrap up and grow big and big and turn into a butterfly!” I tried to correct her to say, “Caterpillars,” but she would have none of it! She kept singing a made-up song about Callapitters.

Funny thing #3: When Rich was changing out of his white shirt and tie just now, he pulled his shirt partially over his head and peeked out of the neck hole at the girls. For some reason, Addie said, “Dad, you look like a woman!” He laughed at her and told her to get dressed and she said, “I’m gonna beat you, woman!” Taken out of context, one would assume our daughter has been spending too much time over at the trailer court. She’s a hoot.

1 comment:

Laura said...

Too cute! Jared does stuff like that all the time.


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