Tuesday, August 16, 2005

"Goin' Out West Where I Belong..."

I beheld something that made me sick and terrified as I watched last night. Has anyone seen "My Super Sweet 16"? Oh. My. Stars. Let me just say that if I had a trillion dollars I would not treat my kids like that. And if for some reason they were that nasty at age 16, you can bet your bottom dollar (and ALL OF MY TRILLIONS) that kid would be at BRAT CAMP in two shakes. Sick and WRONG! What is wrong with parents in their 30s and 40s just worshipping their kids? Holy heck, it makes me sick and I'm starting to feel like a minority because I am not in love with my kids (I LOVE them, I am not IN LOVE with them) and I take my job of creating decent adults VERY SERIOUSLY. Super Sweet 16s and all the other crazy parenting does not a decent adult make, no matter how much money you have or don't have or what ever. UGH!

On a lighter note, "Life In A Northern Town" will be called "The OC" this week as we head down to Newport Beach for the temple open house, then Disneyland, then Cousin Brent's WEDDIN', so sorry about the hiatus. If can get online I will, but if not, there will be some fine pix and stories next Tuesday. Happy Trails.


Brooks Brown said...

Nice point Jamie. I heard Jon Stewart say on The Daily Show the other night that the problem with a lot of parents these days is they act like they are "dating" their kids, meaning they are trying to impress them. It is sickening.

cmhl said...

oooh, have fun at disney!!!!


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