We must thank the Bournazian Family of Buffalo Gap, South Dakota (formerly Emigrant, MT), for welcoming us to crash at their house. It was so nice to see them, even just for a few hours, and we slept so comfortably in the cool country air with the windows open! We were so incredibly sick of being on the road by Monday morning that we regretted having to go to Mt. Rushmore. But the short drive there was so beautiful and the mountain so striking, we were glad we went. I highly recommend it as a destination if you're headed this way--Nearby Keystone is a really fun town, and Rapid City has lots of family attractions. And we are a mere 7 hours west on I-90! We vowed to go back to visit the Black Hills next time we are up for a shorter road trip.
Me, Heidi, Addie and the Dead Presidents (Addie kept calling them prophets)...don't ask me what's up with Addie's face here or why my belly is so huge so early this pregnancy!
A striking profile of Washington round the backside of the mountain.
Us again--I tried to take a picture of Rich with the girls right after this, but the camera died and we were in the mood to get outta town.

We saw the Mountain at about 8:30am, then went in to Rapid City to get breakfast and snacks (so we wouldn't have to stop for another meal--lots of yogurt, fruit, trailmix, drinks, and jerky!) and hit the road at about 10am. We wound our way up through Sheridan Wyoming, Billings, Montana, and finally through a beautiful rainstorm to Livingston at 5:00pm. Although the trip was really cool, I have to conclude that I do indeed live in the most beautiful place in the U.S. and the nicest place to spend the summer!
Well we got Sean back home really late last night.
I have to laugh about your Mt Rushmore trip. When we moved to Livingston from Louisiana, I stopped in Arkansas to see where my Mom was born, then up to Independence, Liberty Jail, AdamOndiOman (sp?), Far West, then up to Nebraska and Winter Quaters. When we got into South Dakota I stopped at the Corn Palace, then the Bad Lands- thats when the trip went sour. The kids and wife could care less so we just quickly drove through. When we got to Mt Rushmore the kids didnt even want to get out of the car. They did let me take a picture of them in front of the monument. In Wyoming, they about killed me when I pulled off the interstate to go see Devil's Tower. We were not on speaking terms when I stopped at the Little Big Horn Battle ground. They could care less about Custer. I guess there is such a thing as overkill, but I wanted them to see everything. Glad you made it home ok.
I'm so jealous of your trip to Rapid! Looks like you guys had fun.
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