Every year, we celebrate Independence Day earlier than the rest of America with the always-awesome Roundup Parade. It's always on July 2nd and kicks off both the rodeo and the crazy-town 4th-of-July partying. It's pretty much my favorite thing about Livingston in the summer (besides the weather). It's something I used to dream of growing up in Arizona (where if you walked more than a block at 3pm on July 2nd, the paramedics would have to revive you from the heat stroke...either that or a lightning strike). Anyway, here are some pix of our kids enjoying the parade with their friends from church.
Addie & her friend Boston
Addie, Boston, Heidi, and Alex (Boston's brother, whom Heidi adores and calls "Ally-jander")
Addie drinkin' a cold one wearing the lei's we made on Sunday
Crazy Lynners and Ally-Jander
(Ally-Jander and Boston have a baby brother, Ian, & their family recently moved up from Tempe/ASU where their Daddy learned to be an engineer).
James wating for the fun to begin!
"We've got a Piper down!..."
Sarah, Boston, Addie, & Heidi with Scary-fun Shriner clowns
They'll be great rodeo queens someday--look at those regal waves!
(Jacob Bates & Ferguson Jeffrey look on)
Michaela Claar passing out candy from her Grandma's float (her Gram runs the Loaves & Fishes soup kitchen here in town where our ward volunteers a couple times a month).
Heidi being her chatty, entertaining self.
A really darling bunch of kids:

(Ally-Jander and Boston have a baby brother, Ian, & their family recently moved up from Tempe/ASU where their Daddy learned to be an engineer).

(Jacob Bates & Ferguson Jeffrey look on)

Lincoln Jeffrey, Sarah Bates, Curtis Jeffrey, Jacob Bates, Ferguson Jeffrey, Oliver Jeffrey, Addie, Boston Wisor, Heidi, and Alex Winsor (plus there were 3 babies James' age and Alex's friend Emerson in the background with the parents ).
Such Fun!
I love pictures of your kids! They are the cutest.
Next time, warn me that there will be clowns because I HATE them!!
oooo I love it! love it all! THe guest room and bathroom especially. Sorry to call the other day and not have time to talk! I just had about 1 spare second and when I decided to use it to wish Laura a happy anniversary I realized, I've never put her cell number in my phone! But I had yours thank goodness! Happy 4th of July! Looks like you guys had load of fun!
I like how the sign behind Micheala reads "IN GOD WE RUST." I'm not sure what that means, but it makes me grin.
Did I get that straight? 5 Ferguson BOYS? There's a special place in Heaven for the mother of 5 boys!
Mags, Ferguson is the eldest of FOUR Jeffrey Boys--Ferg, Curtis, Lincoln and Oliver (and Oliver happens to be one of my most favorite children on the planet...he's incredibly cute)--and their mom IS pretty amazing! I am still of the opinion, though, that 4 girls could be much, MUCH worse (coming from a household of 8 girls, spaced out with 5 boys--the boys were much easier to raise, I think).
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