Thursday, December 06, 2007


...12/06/1999, my darling Lyndi Alice (Ally) Petersen was born! She was our "practice baby"--Rich and I took her everywhere before we had Addie! I miss her a lot, and I wish I could be there today, and on her baptism day.

Ally-Bug, I love you so much! I really miss you, and so do my kids and Uncle Rich. Since you're 8 years old now I can't wait for you to come stay with us for a couple of weeks! Anyway, in your honor, he's a Jonas Brothers band video...we love you!


Jill Petersen said...

That has to be one of the cutest pictures of my baby I have ever seen!

You're right though, she was totally your practice baby! I never wanted to give her up for too long though because she was an amazing todler. I miss that so much! Heck- Right now you could have anyone of my kids if you wanted!

Creole Wisdom said...

How sweet! Happy birthday to her : )

Creole Wisdom said...

... wait! I have one more thing to say! LOL LOL : ) My girlfriend and I were talking about Montana and saying we wanted to move there after we get married and settled with hubbies. Your photo is just gorgeous, and it would be nice to have mountains : )

Geo said...

Beeyooteefull kiddo.


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