Wednesday, April 02, 2008


We are leaving for Utah at 4am and meeting Matt & Amie at 8-ish for (Amie's Birthday) breakfast at IHOP! We have been promising Heidi "Horton Pancakes" for her birthday forever! It's gonna be a fun weekend!

Hey, when I get back I'll have to upload pix from Tuesday morning. Remember Sunday night when I blogged about the snowstorm? Well, it didn't stop snowing til Monday night! We got about a foot. Today the sun came out and all that snow will make our grass green and flowers grow...YAY!

Anywhooooo...if you're comin' to Zion, we'll see ya there! We're staying at the Comfot Inn in Draper, so call us on the celly so we can hook up. Also, if you're a bad guy and you're reading this, please don't rob our house. There is a guard dog. Yeah...that's the ticket.


Jenn said...

I'll be missin u!

Lisa said...

Have fun in Eutaw (there's a stress in Baltimore named Eutaw Drive and I always wonder if it's named after the state or what...) I'm heading for Colorado this weekend to meet up with the 'rents and one sister and 2 nephews and niece. Lots 'o fun. Also, I can't decide if that pic of the temple is (a) hauntingly beautiful or (b) kind of creepy like the cover of a V.C. Andrews novel.

Adriane said...

Jamie, I want a copy of that picture of the Salt Lake City Temple! It's amazing. Did Rich take that?


Dear Loved Ones,                                                                                                        We have just ...