An update on my Mom: Today she has her PET Scan, and earlier this week she had a bone scan, and she'll have a bone marrow biopsy soon, too (ouch). She meets with her oncologist again on Monday, June 2, and they will supposedly map out her treatments over the next several months. On a lighter note, she decided to "ease us into the baldness" by chopping off her hair. Frankly, I think she looks awesome, chemo or no chemo! So we're still waiting to know exactly what we'll be doing this summer, but she has constant care from loved ones scheduled thru August and beyond, so we're all ready to go!
(PS: Hi, Mollie! I have missed you so! You asked where I was in the south---I was in North Carolina and I loved it!)
Some pix from yesterday, and then perhaps a rest (will I ever stop being exhausted???):
Thank you for stopping by my blog again - I have bookmarked you in my favorites! Some Tucson info. Josh Clark (son of Richard and Hannah) and his family are moving south to Huntsville - exciting adventure for them.
Those don't even look like real flowers they're so pretty! I love it! Maybe they're not... I don't know!!!I wish my flowers were growing fast darnit! it's unfair. None of them look that great. I hope you have a day full of energy tomorrow! I love ya!
those are my REAL pink tulips--I have a millionnow and they are opening now! DOn't they loo lke silk in he sun?
I better go hitthe hay--I fell asleep bfore 9, bt then I talked to Matthew on the phone for 40 inutes--he's so chatty now that he's a house husband! ;)
your mom looks so pretty!!!! wow! she must have been a YOUNG mom. Next year this time this will all be behind her.. praying for her!
your tulips look gorgeous! mine didn't really do much this year. I have some peonies though that were really outstanding. (wow, I sound like a little retiree at a luncheon, don't I?)
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