Sunday, May 25, 2008

Sunday Thoughts

I am at the hotel, so I can't post the picture I took of Heidi's floating paper elephants in her room. They turned out really cute, so now Addie wants dolphins.

We ditched church today--I just couldn't face getting the kids ready and wrestling them thru church on the very limited sleep I have had the past few nights (james has been sick and he and Heidi are still getting used to their new rooms). I hope I'll be forgiven for my wimpiness and that soon church will return to being uplifting rather than one of life's greatest challenges! Rich was released as Elders' Quorum President, so he can help us get ready for church on Sundays again(at least for a little while)--no early morning meetings! Again, forgive my murmurings--I think I automatically disqualify him from bishopric service.

I tried to get a good nap today, but only got about a half hour. I've noticed that the more tired I get, the worse my body aches get. At this point I can barely straighten out my's really sad! I need to sleep!!! Luckily it's been pretty busy at the hotel and I haven't dozed off!

I just re-read Elder Nelson's talk from April Conference. It's really a gem, you know? I wish I'd had it to share as a missionary. It was so hard to teach the difference between salvation and exaltation down in the Bible belt. It's widely believed that salvation--or being "saved"--is the same thing as eternal life. Certainly you can't have exaltation without salvation, but salvation is the gateway, not the destination. I love how he clarified this, and I love this plain and precious quote:

"This life is the time to prepare for salvation and exaltation. In God's eternal plan, salvation is an individual matter; exaltation is a family matter."

Also, this: "[Salvation is] and unconditional gift. Eternal life, or celestial glory or exaltation, is a conditional gift, Conditions of this gift have been established by the Lord, who said, 'If you keep my commandments and endure to the end you shall have eternal life, which gift is the greatest of all the gifts of God.'"

It's so cool how he teaches that we are for sure SAVED individually (meaning it's just us, one by one, accepting the Lord's gift), but that we are exalted as familes. It takes the Holy work of a father, mother, and their children, strengthening and lifting each other, helping each other to be obedient and faithful, to meet the conditions of God's greatest gift.

The family--and especially our marriages--are something greater and more Holy, I believe, than any of us can realize. I wish I could remember that, all the time, in the hardest times, and treat my work as wife and mother as the exalting role it can be.


Jill Petersen said...

After reading your "uplifting" post I feel guilty posting about "being a mom"! I need to be grateful for all that I have been givin instead of murmuring! Bad timing I guess! BTW we stayed home except for Drew today because Ally threw up (as you know) and I think I felt gross because of having to clean it all up and I wasn't sure if I was getting it! I really hope you can catch up on your sleep sister. I love you so much.

cmhl said...

hey girl!

how is your mom?

and where were you in the bible belt?

Luisa said...

Jamie--You should totally read "I am a Mother" by Jane Clayson Johnson. It really is a very empowering book and has so much good stuff. I cried throughout and felt stronger and prouder than ever to be a mom and what a sacred, special responsibility it is but it comes with gifts as well.


Dear Loved Ones,                                                                                                        We have just ...