Wednesday, August 27, 2008

First Day of the First Grade

The Story of Rich's Life... Rich writes a check for Addie's lunch ticket near the playground.
My (tall) first grader!

Silly Heidi gives Addie a Good-Luck-Hug
James thinks the Playground is awesome

As The Bell Rings... from MelinFamily on Vimeo.
As The Bell Rings... from MelinFamily on Vimeo.

Addie waiting in line to go into her class

We parked behind this cool old truck near the school

Update: I woke up this morning with the whole left side of my throat & sinuses swollen. It hurts to swallow or sniff, so I have been blowing my nose every five minutes. Something bad happened back there. Oh, well.

1 comment:

Jenn said...

They all look so big!!!Even bubba!
Oh yeah tell Rich ....Jennifer has 2 n's (I know check is in the mail, right?) Hee hee hee.
Miss you to girlie and I am so up for a scheduled get together...lets talk after you get Heidi started!


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