Thursday, October 09, 2008

My Heck

So Rich is heading up our Stake Emergency Preparedness Fair in Bozeman this weekend. He had to go on the local am radio talk show on Monday and talk about it--he even took calls! We were so proud of him--he sounded so smart-yet-sweet over the radio and had lots of good info to share. I think this year, more than ever, people need to learn about preparedness, especially financial preparedness, although it may be a little late for that.

We were riding the Underground one morning in London and noticed that all the papers that people were reading had panicky headlines about the financial crisis. We thought it was interesting that this thing is indeed global. We also talked about how blessed we are to have counsel and guidance to get us through these times with peace and confidence. Of course there will be sacrifices to make, of course we will feel the pinch in certain areas of our lives, but we know that our home is safe, that our health and our food storage are in good order, etc. We feel concern, but not panic, and that's because the prophets and scriptures are true: "If ye are prepared, ye shall not fear."

We watched Glenn Beck on DVR this morning and he echoed our concerns well. I couldn't find a video clip, but if you click HERE, you can read the transcript of the show. The first few paragraphs really got to me and I think it's important to hear this view even if you don't agree with it. I , for one, (and Glenn, for two) believe this stupid bail out and crisis could be the end of capitalism as we know it. And if you think that's okay, you're WRONG. There are plenty of socialist nanny states you can move to if you believe that, but where are we fiercely independent capitalists supposed to go if the U.S. caves, tramples the consitution, and becomes just like wussy Europe? We've gone as far west in search of freedom as we can go, people (well, I suppose we can move to Alaska and secede; heck, Montanans are so sick of the feds, we may secede ourselves--then I won't have to move at all, and y'all can come live at the ranch!) There has to be one bastian of independence, at least one city on a hill where we can decide how to live our lives without constant supervision and intervention. While I feel a sense of peace, I wonder what my fellow Americans are thinking and wonder where the majority is going to steer this country ("Hey, where are we going? And why are we in this handbasket?").

Again, I can't overstate the moderation I feel in my opinions, but I think it's important to hear all views. So in addition to the poo we're seeing in the MSM and the line of bologna from Dubya, the fed, Barney Frank & friends, and from the presidential candidates, take a few minutes to look into THIS theory. It's out there, and I absolutely, unequivocally refuse to believe the 9/11 conspiracy part (--I think it WAS the event the NWO guys were waiting for, but I don't beleive it was orchestrated by the US--) but everyday the idea of the whole NWO/ global government seems more plausible, even possible (example: yesterday's suggestion of global currency--WHAT? The day we agree with France is the day I'm OUTTA HERE!). I'm just saying awake and arise from the dust and be [wo]men--fight to keep what we have, don't sell out our liberty for security.

End of rant. :)
Now it's time for our family preparedness theme song:


Laura said...

I was watching the vid when Darrin looked at me and said "We have that movie" I thought it was funny! Love you.

Anonymous said...

Hay's been a while since I last read your blog, and as coincidence would have it, Anna and I got "interviewed" on Mill Ave Friday night by some random guy filming a religious TV show. Anna's first comment was, "Is gonna be like that Kirk Cameron show?" the one where he pretty much accosts people on the street, makes them feel like crap and tells them they're going to hell...anyway, the guy asked us to answer one question, "What do we do in hard times (economically, socially, emotionally, etc)?" My first thought was not to answer his question directly but to go back to the question itself. I could tell he wanted to poll people and find out if they prayed, sought family assistance, or fretted about every whim of government, but his question was the key, and I thought about the scripture you quoted, "If ye are prepared, ye shall not fear." That's really it. Anna and I have had some difficult times here and there--that was what we had discussed during our entire date that night--and to some our problems migth seems overwhelming. [I can't rightly recall how many times I've heard people ask us over the years how we raise a family of six on our income, for example.] Speaking for myself, I can honestly say that I've never felt ovewhelmed or completely despondent or like jsut quitting. Why? Because I felt like I was prepared, mentally, physically, emotionally, spiritually. I had no need to fear.
I ended up giving the guy a different answer, but I kept thinking about that scripture for the rest of the night, how hearkening to the counsel of the Lord's Prophets prepares us in every way.
For me, this conference season, Pres. Monson's Sunday Morning address is my next step in preparedness. In his message I caught his sublimely gentle and loving call to repentance to "show gratitude and express your love." I felt reminded that this was the Lord's method of calling his children to repentance, and that his Prophet had indeed learned this skill from the Master. It was an uplifting and motivating talk that I listed to several times throughout this last week.


Dear Loved Ones,                                                                                                        We have just ...