Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Grandma Gifts

I read this post today from cjane and it killed me.
Tonight I cleaned Addie's room so my sister, Erin, and her husband and baby can sleep in it tomorrow night. As I straightened up Addie's (piles and piles of) things, I noticed how sweet and girly all the little things in her room are.

And then I noticed that, with few exceptions, all of her dainty treasures have come from her grandmothers: Hand-made Barbie clothes and necklaces and daisy quillow from Grandma Rosalie, Satiny-fleece blanket from Grandma Becky, Pet Shop Pets and hairbows and stationery from Nana, Poetry Books and China Dolls and greeting cards from Great-Grandma Lyn, Teddy Bears and love notes from Great-Grandma Sine... Five wonderful women passing on a legacy of femininity, little mementos of What It Means To Be A Girl, to my firstborn daughter.

[Baby Addie and Me, December 2001]

I got a lump in my throat. I am so glad for all the help I have to raise her. I was so overwhelmed to have a daughter--when I first found out she was a girl, I freaked out a bit. But I think we are BOTH growing up to be good women, helping one another along the way, and feeling thankful for the other women in our family who are helping us from afar.

[Grandma Lyn, Great-Grandma Marie (Gramareeeee), Baby Me, and My Little Mommy, Blessing Day October 1971]
[Another Blessing Day, 30 years later...
Mom, Grandma Lyn holding Adeline, and Me
January 2002]

[First-Time Grandparents! Addie with Grandma & Grandpa Melin
on her Blessing Day]
[Grampa Jim and Gramma Becky admire Baby Addie, December 2001]
[Grandma Sine rocking Addie, December 2001]
Letter to me from my Grandma Lyn, circa 1975
PS: While I was nosin' around my 2002 Photo Archive, I found this adorable picture of Addie, Ally, & Isabelle on the day we moved to Montana from Utah. I couldn't resist doing a "then & now" comparison:
Of course, we added Heidi to the mix, and Ally is no longer the biggest, but they are all still so adorable and they love each other so much. Hooray for cousins!

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