Monday, August 10, 2009

Roles of a Poet

So Thursday night, Rich had to go to Bozeman to lead the Stake Preparedness Meeting and I had the kids at home. They were getting rowdy, so we went for a drive along the river and listened to NPR...I can't remember if it was a segment of All Things Considered or a City Arts & Lectures, but the author of a book about Robert Frost came on to lecture about poetic theory and Frost's influence and how he was different, etc...did anyone else hear this? Does anyone else know who the author is? I was really enjoying it but didn't get to finish it and I would love to read the book.

I especially liked his brief history of the poet's role, starting with the Greeks, and how the poet was The Recorder of What Must Not Be Forgotten. For the Greeks, it was more historic and epic, but Frost tweaked that definition to a much smaller level--moments, images, thoughts--things from a single life, a single day, which must not be forgotten. He talked about Seamus Heaney, etc...and then I had to go home. Help me find out who this dude was...Jay Parini? Tyler Hoffman? Jeffrey Meyers? None of those names rings a bell, but they are all Frost scholars. Maybe it was one of them.

UPDATE: It's Sunday now...Really?? Nothing? Where are my fellow nerds? Hey, maybe a computer geek who reads this blog could do a better search for me and find out....COME ON, PEOPLE! ;)

1 comment:

Becky said...

And then there are the poets that are just weirdos who get famous after they die...


Dear Loved Ones,                                                                                                        We have just ...