Tuesday, September 01, 2009

PS: Also, Heidi cut herself some bangs today.
I'll post a photo when I stop crying...

just in time for her first school picture....

update: no pix yet, but HERE's a previous hair tragedy, and HERE is what Addie did to Heidi's precious golden toddler curls 4 years ago...SIGH...I guess today's shennanigans could be worse.
update: OK, it's after school and Heidi is playing Starfall and I just took these pix. It's not so bad. I am just so anti-bangs, but they'll grow...


Kim Skinner said...

cutting your own hair is a child's rite of passage it seems. unfortunately.

Lisa said...

If it makes you feel any better, this is from a friend of a friend's blog:


(Doesn't make you feel any better, huh? My siblings and and I _ALL_ cut our own hair at least once. My brother's was the worst. They ended up just shaving his head and having him start over again. That was one ugly-mutt Christmas card we sent out that year.)

Jenn said...

I'm scared to look.....

Jill Petersen said...

It doesn't look too bad. I know what you mean about bangs though. I really don't like them either. Luckily hair grows fast!


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