Tuesday, March 01, 2011

Belly Shots

I haven't posted any belly shots this pregnancy because I haven't really had one. But now that I'm starting week 28, I can kinda poke it out at will. Mostly it still looks like I am carrying some chub unless I arch my back, but here's my obligatory 28-weeks belly shot:

Now you see it...

Now you don't!
(these are those under-belly maternity jeans I was telling you about, mom)
I am grateful to have this boy joining our family and I try to remind myself everyday that it's a BABY, not a tumor, and I am NOT, in fact, DYING, and there is a sweet little light at the end of this barfy tunnel.


Elizabeth said...

Jamie, I love love love my kids, but I hated being pregnant so much it's a miracle I have 3! Here'e to a happy ending!

Aim said...


AuntieM said...

you are looking good there sista! I love our little man floating on the blog screen. It makes it real for me too. Love you so much.

Rich said...

That there is one fine lookin pregnant lady!!!!!

Adriane said...


Cade and Jamie Kelliher said...



Dear Loved Ones,                                                                                                        We have just ...