Tuesday, May 03, 2011


"Change and decay in all around I see
O, Thou who changest not, Abide with me..."

On Sunday I was released from serving as the secretary and Personal Progress Leader in the Young Women's organization (along with the rest of the presidency), and later sustained as the second counselor in the Primary Presidency, which means I will be working with all the children ages 18 months- 11 years old. I am excited about the change, though I am sad that I didn't get to be with the YW longer and under better circumstances. I hope they know I love them so much!

So our outgoing YW President taught her last lesson about "Change," appropriately enough (she's so inspired). We talked a lot about how we can be flexible and faithful and accept change as part of progression toward being more Christlike, etc. We talked about having faith and knowing God is with us through the hard changes and that with the right attitude, we can grow and eventually rejoice in any kind of change. I couldn't stop thinking of my favorite thing that happened last week.

Remember back in September when I posted THIS? My dear friend, Bridger Smith, drowned in the Atlantic Ocean after saving his wife (also a dear friend) and children from a riptide. What I didn't know when I posted that was that Jessica was 5 weeks pregnant with a beautiful baby boy. So she buried her husband, resumed home schooling her 4 children, and carried on with strength and grace that still amazes me every day. Last Monday, April 25th, on the day after Easter and the day before his daddy's birthday (!), baby Bridger Job Smith was born to Jessica and her family.

Bridger Job Smith

The news made me sob. The subsequent photos still do (especially the photo of BJay's parents gazing at that angel-baby...how sweet to hold that new baby on your son's birthday! Tender Mercies! So bittersweet!). Anyway, I just wanted to share that ongoing story with you because it inspires me so much. The Smith family inspires me so much (they always have, since I met them as a missionary in NC 17 years ago, but especially over the past few years), and I hope Jessica knows that she is a hero to me. If I ever start to whine about my challenges, I think of Jess and I shut up. His angels are indeed 'round about us to bear us up.

On another joyful note, I have a new nephew born this morning to my brother Sam and SIL Kristen down in Arizona. Gavin Thatcher Layton was born this morning around 5 am--he's 6-14 and 18.5" long and perfectly healthy (after threatening to come out since the first week of March). I am so proud and Sam & Kris for working together thru this challenge and getting that boy here safely. Now I wish Kristen a speedy recovery and blessings on the whole family! We love you guys so much!


Sara Hamlin said...

what a cute babie. I am happy for her. I hope that she is doing well.

AuntieM said...

Tender mercies. BJ save two lives that day. Amazing. Hope all is well with the Smith family.


Dear Loved Ones,                                                                                                        We have just ...