Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Prego Amnesia

It is so crazy how you totally forget certain things about being pregnant, and then when you are again, you're like, "OH, YEAH--THIS!!" Like how I am a total SLUG the first trimester and can't remember ANYTHING. I fall asleep if I ever sit still (driving is a challenge), and now I have this stuffy nose that I had with both other pregnancies. So I have to keep tissues by the bed, but I still sleep with my mouth open, which also means I need water and lip balm by the bed, which then means I have to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night, which means I have to climb the stairs because the downstairs Bath isn't done yet. And by the way, WHY do I have to pee every half hour when the baby is the size of a pinhead? What's the deal with that? Anyway, I kinda didn't believe the pregnancy test, but now that we're almost to week 6, I'm feelin' it. Hence, lame blogging.

Last Week's Apple Family Night

On Monday, Sept. 19th, we went and picked apples off our gazillion trees at the ranch, and the Carter family came, too!
Cousin Danny, Addie, & Heidi pick apples up off the ground.
Heidi's job is to make sure the apples are delicious.
Heidi, Addie, & Danny collect apples while the grown ups shake the tree.
Addie got LOTS of apples!
Addie & Danny played hunter in the field
(where there are usually deer, antelope, & bears)
OOPS! That's Colton Carter sideways in a tree!
Aunt Angie & Heidi
Nicole & Terry Carter with Apple boxes
Moriah Carter and Mom Melin picking up apples off the ground.
Awww...tired Heidi & Rich
Happy Heidi & Sleepy Addie

Saturday, September 24, 2005


Well, it's over. The party's been had, the gifts opened, the news spread...I'm settling into 34. I took this close up to examine my face at 34, to look at wrinkles and scars. Interesting. My face is all slopey and I can still see the very first wrinkle I noticed on my 26th birthday--it's the laugh line on my left, your right. Hmm. All I can tell is everything is sagging, but it's all good. I have my health and a bun in the oven, so no complaints! Big thanks to my in-laws for such a nice evening (Cuban Barbecue)!

My sis asked about the girls' reactions to the baby news. Well, Heidi doesn't get it of course, but she is absolutely MAD about babies. Addie--well, the conversation went like this: We were sorting through my stationery, and we found a little boy's bday card with a train on it and she said, "Oh, we can save this for my baby brother!" (she has been talking about her baby brother for 10 months). I smiled and said, "Know what? There's a baby in my tummy! Maybe it will be brother!" In her cute little dramatic way she leaned over and hugged me and said, "Oh, mommy! I am so happy for the baby in your tummy! I love it! I love my baby brother!" And she keeps hugging my belly and saying, "I love my baby!" It's pretty fun. They are just the BEST kids--I am so loving them right now (maybe because they are SLEEPING ALL NIGHT IN THEIR OWN BEDS!!! Another good bday thing!)

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Birthday Haircut

AFTER: Mama got her haircut...but she looks even scarier!
BEFORE: Semi-Bimbo-ish Summer Blonde, fried ends...

I know it looks like I got them mixed up, but I actually had my hair darkened this time so I don't have to continue the horrendous touch-up schedule for highlights, trying to hide the fact that my hair gets darker with every pregnancy (and my feet get bigger, too). You can see that my hair is now it's natural non-descript ash-blonde color, I have a cowlick that ALWAYS makes bangs a bad idea, and it lost about an inch in a trim. SASSAY. Thank you, Wonder-Hubby!


Dear Loved Ones,                                                                                                        We have just ...