I have said before that I had a pretty excellent adolescence (at least socially), and most of my excellent adventures took place with my pal, Susan. We were pretty much inseparable through high school and had a lot of fun. Susan is 6 days my junior and turns 34 today, so HAPPY BIRTHDAY, SU! Here's to happy memories of coca cola, tabasco sauce, stake dances, the Opal, the shed, Gene Travis Shanks and his crazy made up songs and socks full of change for us to take to the mall, Sally-Lee's patience and love of Elvis and chauffeuring us around town before we could drive, good and bad boyfriends, MTV all-nighters, taping videos and Young Ones episodes for me, becoming Monkees fans in 1986, growing up and going our separate ways and staying friends.
Jamie & Susan, 1991