Friday, October 28, 2005


1972: My brother-in-law, Jess Melin, was born (Jess with his son, TJay) 1999: Addie's friend, Cayden, was born (Cayden is 2nd from left looking darling)
1985: My brother, Michael, was born (Michael is on the left)
I had to include all 3 of them because it's so cool! And 2 of the 3 of them are here in town with us today (Michael is serving a mission in Washington State, so he has to miss our pizza party tonight). But we wish them all a very Happy Birthday and we're glad they were born!

RE: Sandra Day O'Connor

Yesterday I posted about feeling sorry for Justice O'Connor who would very much like to retire. Last night on the Daily Show they said the very same thing during a fake news report about Miers resignation. Here's what reporter Ed Helms said: "Who ever they nominate, they'd better move quickly-- O'Connor resigned almost 6 months ago, and if this recent photo is any indication, the only case she's fit to decide now is Trinidad v. Tobago."
Heh, heh. It's a fuzzy picture taken right off the screen, but that image should keep you giggling all day! :)

Pre-Natal News

I spent 2-1/2 hours at my first pre-natal yesterday-- 3pm- 5:30pm, mostly WAITING. I got really hungry, so when I went to the lab for my blood draw at like 5:15, I fainted (just in my chair for a second). So then I had to sit there until I stopped seeing stars. Other than that, it's all good. They told me my blood pressure is a little high at 122 over 72--I thought that was good, but I guess I was wrong.

And I am measuring a little bit big, so I have an ultrasound on Monday morning to see if there is just one baby. I don't feel like it's twins, but wouldn't that be fun? The due date is still 5/27, although after delivering two babies at 38 weeks, they are guessing around May 15th. Today I am feeling less nausea but more achy--the lower back and the front of the pelvis where all those ligaments attach are giving me fits today.

Addie is also giving me fits today; she wants t go puddle jumping, so I need to go get her outfitted. Send an email or leave me a comment to cheer me up on this rainy fall day!

Thursday, October 27, 2005

"When Sandra was in Egypt Land...

...let my Sandra go!" Poor, poor Sandra Day, she just wants to retire, people. Let's nominate a good, qualified person (no offense to Harriet, and NO, I don't think Bush should nominate a more conservative justice, just a more experienced one) and let Madame Justice retire to the ranch in peace!

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

ON THIS DATE IN HISTORY:Oct. 26, 1972... brother, Willy, was born! He was the first of many siblings I would have, but since I can't remember life without him and we grew up so close, our relationship might have been the most significant.There we are; I'm hugging "My Willow" and
we are both hugging our Easter Booty, Easter, 1973.
And here we are later--maybe a year later (?). Look at Will's cute dimples! I thought he was seriously the cutest little boy ever!
December 1991: Willy leaving the Salt Lake City airport to serve a mission in Michigan. We are all washed out because we are facing the morning sun--Will, Me, and our Tucson friend, Paul.
1989: Will & his friend, Ty, on the day after Thanksgiving
June 1990: Willy's graduation from Buena High School- that's Willy with our great-grandmother, Marie (Gramareeee!).
If you click here and here, or even here, you'll read a little example of the relationship I have with Willy. Sometimes he drove me nuts because he always seemed "bulletproof"--like that Oingo Boingo song, "Nothing Bad Ever Happens to Me," and I often felt like I was carrying the weight of the world. I had to work so hard for everything, while things just fell into Willy's lap because he was so terribly charming. Of course as the years have gone by, I have learned that the weight I thought I was carrying wasn't all that bad, and besides, it allowed my brother to be who he was--happy and goofy and free from too much worry. And we were always there for eachother-- dating each other's friends, racing home for curfew, working at Donut Hell, boogeyin' at Stake Dances, swapping clothes. Thanks for making it fun, Will. Happy 33rd Birthday!
Will & his cute family in 2004: He and Audrey have been married for 11 years(!!!!!); Will is now a Chemical Engineer with a company in Salt Lake City; they have three kids: Melanie (7), Liam (almost 5--Will's mini-me), and Spencer (20 months).

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

ON THIS DATE IN HISTORY: October 25, 1979 in Tucson, AZ... sister JILL was born! Happy 26th Birthday, Jill!!!Here is Jill with her Isabelle
Me & Jill playing w/ the viewmaster on Christmas Morning 1980.
Jill as a foxy high schooler in Ohio, 1993.
Not only is Jill like 72 weeks pregnant wit her 4th child right now (really, he's due Novemeber 20-ish), she has had the week from hell--POBRECITA! We hope your fun birthday surprises more than make up for the previous week (and the whole 9 months). LOVE YOU!!!!

Sunday, October 23, 2005

Our Week in Pictures [10.15-10.23]

Last weekend, Addie helped me clean up her room and earned this Princess poster. Here she is posing with her new poster and her tiara.
It's still warm enough to hang out on the lawn! Rich and Addie made the most of it by watching for shooting stars and the northern lights the other night.
Here is a preview of Addie's Halloween costume, as modeled by Heidi. We made a great big Strawberry Shortcake hat and Heidi loves wearing it. She has a smaller Apple Dumpling hat.

10-19 at the Park

Addie swinging!
Heidi sporting her new hair-do at the swings


Dear Loved Ones,                                                                                                        We have just ...