Thursday, September 21, 2006

Behold the Cuteness

James doing "bug-eye", wearing his Auntie Jen sweater
I know, I know...the sweetness is killing you!...
He can raise his eye brows and stick out his tongue, too!

Addie Playing Legos

Last night Addie spent a really long time upstairs after dinner building castles and towers and stuff with the Princess Mega Blocks...
Look how cool it turned out!
Oops! Forgot to rotate this one, but you get the idea--the crazy bus!

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Half Awake

I just fed the boy and decided to post before I go to "real sleep" (until 3:00am-ish). My sister-in-law gave me a lovely baby shower last night at which NO ONE--not a soul--took pictures! Can you believe it?? I have no photos to blog nor to scrapbook! Shucks!

It was a lovely Fall-themed party with nice decorations and yummy food (fruits a veggies with dip, pumpkin bread, punch). We played one "get-to-know-you" game because there were so many "new" people there (church people, neighbors, cousins, etc). There were 18 guests and 4 babies there and the invitation said that it was a "frozen dinner" shower--everyone brought dinners to stock my freezer for nights when I am too tired to cook (I know what you're thinking--we should have had this shower in July when I was feeling REALLY crappy!!) There is a plethora of food in our spare freezer now--homemade casseroles, Costco frozen favorites, homemade breads, cookies, applesauce, freezer jam, crock pot stews and soups, and even a gift card to Pizza Hut! Almost everyone broke the rules and brought a baby gift, too (who can resist buying baby stuff?? Not me!), so James has several darling new outfits in various sizes, as well as onesies, diapers, and wipes and a Creative Memories "It's a Boy" scrapbooking kit. We had a really fun time and I came home with this warm fuzzy sisterly feeling-- like I really love all the women who were there and appreciate all the things they do for me and my family. I am really blessed on all sides, you know?

So tonight we had Lori Prinkki's Chicken & Rice casserole for dinner and it was delicious (a huge hit with the husband, so good thing she gave me the recipe, too). I LOOOOVE food I didn't cook!

Also, midweek update: we totally missed out on Stake Conference this past Sunday, but in retrospect it was a good day of rest for all of us. On Monday for Family Night we took a ride out toward Clyde Park to visit with Sister Cotant and taker her some of our peanut butter Rice Krispy Treats. She got to meet Baby James and we got to sing Articles of Faith songs all the way home. Tuesday was the Baby Shower and tonight was just a chill-out night (after I made a brief appearance at Young Women). Tomorrow we have to miss most of pre-school because of check-ups, but I am hoping to make it up to Addie. She has been practicing her "B's" all week! We are still struggling with telling the difference between lower case b's and d's (she writes her name "abbie" a lot of the time).

I am really sorry about the lack of pictures. But I'll post some of James in the cute sweater he got from Auntie Jen Claar last night. Thanks to Angie for the nice party and to all the girls who came (if you're reading this)--y'all are FABULOUS!

Monday, September 18, 2006

"Kim Deal's So Groovy, I Want You To Know..."

Last night we happened upon a re-run of The Pixies on Austin City Limits. We had lots of fun watching and singing along ( funny!) and I felt like an Old Person. I was watching one of my favorite bands from 20 years ago on PBS--how could I NOT feel like an Old Person. Rich even said, "I miss good bands like this. Why are there no good bands like this?" I pointed out that there ARE good new bands like this, we are just to busy to discover them. And it's totally true. If I had the time to listen to music and watch videos, I am quite certain I could be mad about Arctic Monkies and the Killers and OK Go. But I don't have time to fall in love with new bands, so I rely on the high of listening to old music and remembering when I DID have time to be obsessive. Ah, yesssss....

Speaking of obsessions, R.E.M. reunited this weekend. Still love 'em, but haven't listened to any new music by them for about 10 years (I'm busy, y'all). But check out THIS performance of "Begin the Begin." It brought tears to my eyes. They are good ol' goats. And while you're at it, check out THIS's the clip that started my R.E.M. addiction back in the day.

Oops! Time to live in the now...2/3 of the Melin children are crying!

PS: Just one more little YouTube flashback for you...oh, 1991!

Thursday, September 14, 2006

My Three Babies

Just as I was uploading these pictures, cmhl left a comment asking for baby pictures of all three kids. I read your mind! Actually, yesterday after I bathed the baby, I noticed how much he reminded me of his sisters, so I snapped a photo of him fresh from the bath at one week old, just like these other photos I had taken of the girls. I think he matches...what do you think? This is Addie at about 8 days old in November 2001.
This is Heidi around 1 week old in April 2004.
And here is Sweet Baby James at 8 days old, yesterday.
"Each of these
My babies
Have brought you closer to me
No longer mad like a horse
I'm still wild but not lost
From the thing that I've chosen to be
And it's `cause you've thrilled me
Silenced me
Stilled me
Proved things I never believed
The face of you
The smell of you
Will always be with me
Each of these
My three babies
I will carry with me
For myself
I ask no one else will be
Mother to these three"
-Sinead O'Connor


We have fielded some questions and concerns today regarding the wildfires around our town. Here is an article to read about them with a video link, too.

While fires are scary and unpredictable, we have not been too worried for ourselves (believe me, my Dad-in-law is worrying enough for everyone--he is a super insurance agent and has been busy helping his evacuated customers for the past 3 weeks). The fires are at least 20 miles from us and that huge wind that kicked them up yesterday actually blew them AWAY from town and cleared out the smoke that has been so thick the past 2 weeks. The wind was strong all day today and we expect rain the next few days (although we are terribly disappointed that it didn't start today). Most people I know have been unaffected, except for those who work at the Stillwater Platinum mine over in those mountains (including my brother-in-law) who haven't been able to work all week (and hence, don't get PAID). Tom Brokaw's ranch is over there in the fires, too, poor guy. Last I heard it was still unharmed.

Today was an exhausting day. Our preschool group started today (a big success--a group of mom's are getting together to do it cooperatively and it seems like it's going to be great. And free.) and then we had dental appointments. Man, I am still tired and it wasn't even that much activity. But I have to boast a little bit because, aside from being tired and sometimes cranky and not looking so fresh, I have been able to keep up with my regular schedule and responsibilities quite handily since my mom left. The house is clean, the meals are made, the laundry is done, the kids (all THREE) are bathed and dressed, and I have attended meetings of one sort or another very day since Sunday. AND I AM STILL ALIVE!!! I guess it doesn't seem like that big of a deal, but I was just expecting my world to get rocked because EVERYONE told me that the third kids changes everything. Maybe it's just because James is such a mellow baby, or the fact that we are not trying to build a house (or both), but this is way easier than bringing Heidi home. That's not to say it's EASY; it's just not a hard as I was dreading it would be.

Of course, nothing in my life would be remotely manageable if I weren't married to a SAINT. Rich is my right hand man--so great with the kids and so good at giving them the extra attention they need as we adjust to the new guy. Thanks, hun. We're not too big and we're not too tough but when we work together we got the right stuff.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

More Family Night Fun...

WOW! James is one week old today (well, tonight). WE LOVE having him in our family! Here are some fun quotes from family night last night:
Heidi put on Rich's hat and sunglasses. He said, "Look at you! Are you a cool dude?"
Heidi said, "NO! I not cool dude, I Daddy."
During our song practice (the girls are learning the Articles of Faith songs--we are on #4), Addie misquoted the AF #3: "We believe that through the atonement of Christ all mankind may be saved by obedience to THE LOST ORNAMENTS of the gospel" (rather than "the laws and ordinances of the gospel."). Then we were singing "I am a Child of God," and she sang, "Has given me a larfby home with parents kind and dear..." We tried really hard not to laugh and asked her what a larfby home was. She had no answer, so we taught her that it's "Earthly home" and what that means. SO FUNNY!!!
This is James' "YIKES, I hear Heidi!" face.

Monday, September 11, 2006

Family Night

James was awake for Family Night!
Family Dogpile!
Heidi came in my room with these dress up shoes and jewelry on and announced, "Bye, guys. I go work now..." (with her hand on her hip...I am sad we did not catch that cuz it was a funny affectation). She's hilarious.


Today I came downstairs afraid for what Addie might be doing to her brother and found this TOTALLY AMAZINGLY SWEET scene...Addie reading her library books to Baby James...aawwwwww!

I kept a file of my "favorite" 9/11 photos from five years ago. Here are two.

The Anniversary

Here is what I blogged on the morning of 11 September 2001 on the now-defunct

11 September 2001: Bloody Tuesday

I can’t believe I am supposed to think about public relations and recognition, or even good grammar at this point. I am going through the motions absent-mindedly—and I am 2,000 miles away from the epicenter.

The events of this morning warrant their own journal entry. At about 7:45am MT [almost 10am in NYC], my little brother Michael called from California asking if we had Matthew’s (our missionary brother who is serving in NYC) phone number. We said no and asked why, and Michael told us to turn on the TV. The Today show was on and it showed a live shot of the World Trade Center towers burning, through a haze of smoke and ash.

It wa shocking. It was like a scene from Independence Day. When the newscasters said that TWO hijacked planes had hit the towers, I started crying and said, “I can’t believe it!” Richard and I just sat on the bed watching in horror. Later I noticed that there was only one tower—the first had just collapsed, and the second would soon follow, When I saw the footage from that and realized how many people must have died, I muttered, “Osama bin Laden.” The rest of the world is not “jumping to conclusions,” but I felt pretty certain from the first minute that it was a jihad attack sponsored by bin Laden.

Then, of course, we learned about the Pentagon disaster and another hijacked plane headed toward Washington D.C., which crashed in Pennsylvania (all of these things within one hour of each other), and we wondered what the extent of the damage would be. Would they attack the west coast, too? And what will the effect of no air traffic be?

We got hold of Matt’s mission office and they said that all of the missionaries were accounted for and that Matt was in the Bronx, north and safe from the frenzy in lower Manhattan. So I got dressed and headed down south for work. I felt all numb and a little scared as I drove—I just wanted to stay safe in my house. The interstate commute was eerie. We live beneath the flight path for SLC International Airport and there was NOTHING in the sky, few cars on the highway…yikes. But I got here and I am kind of working. I have talked to Jill, Dana, and the kids at home in California, as well as the grandparents in Arizona and my mom and Mark, who are now stuck in Ohio (they were to fly home to California tomorrow). Now we are listening to the radio and it’s horrible.

I feel pretty confident in our leadership, though. The prophet AND the president seem composed and strong, and that’s just what we need right now. Ugh! I have my first childbirth class tonight. I used to be excited; but now I just can’t help but think our baby girl might not want to come into a world that just got uglier. But we will get her here and we will keep her safe.

“I can’t believe the news today
I can’t close my eyes and make it go away.”


Dear Loved Ones,                                                                                                        We have just ...