Thursday, August 25, 2005

The Road Home

Poor Baker, hot (119F) and so ghetto.
I udes to laugh at those "I love alpacas" commercials, but THIS takes the cake.
Adios, desert. I am sorry to say our love affair is over. I am officially a spoiled rotten Montana girl and I wilt when it's over 80F. When it's Dry & Lush vs. Dry & Barren, Lush wins. Fare thee well...
We stopped at my brother Willy's house to crash on Sunday night/Monday morning, and my other nieces, Ally & Isabelle, came over, too. Willy had to go work in California and Melanie had to go to school, but Addie, Ally, Belle, Liam, Spencer, and Heidi had a fun time playing until we left at lunchtime to head home.
We got on I-15 Northbound and came to a complete stop about 10 minutes later. We couldn't figure out why we were totally stopped, so we turned on AM radio and learned that the Presidential Motorcade was heading out to the Air National Guard station so Dubya could get on his plane and fly to Mountain Home, Idaho. We got to see Air Force One take off, but I couldn't get a good picture cuz we were going 80 mph by then. Kind of a fun final adventure for our trip.

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Back in the Saddle

We made it! 2,000 miles and lots of sun, big gulps, freeways, and FUN! We got home at 8pm last night, unloaded (that took 2 hours), and went to bed. I still have tons to do today, but pictures and stories are coming soon. Here are Addie and Heidi modeling their mouse ears and some of our booty from Ikea.

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

"Goin' Out West Where I Belong..."

I beheld something that made me sick and terrified as I watched last night. Has anyone seen "My Super Sweet 16"? Oh. My. Stars. Let me just say that if I had a trillion dollars I would not treat my kids like that. And if for some reason they were that nasty at age 16, you can bet your bottom dollar (and ALL OF MY TRILLIONS) that kid would be at BRAT CAMP in two shakes. Sick and WRONG! What is wrong with parents in their 30s and 40s just worshipping their kids? Holy heck, it makes me sick and I'm starting to feel like a minority because I am not in love with my kids (I LOVE them, I am not IN LOVE with them) and I take my job of creating decent adults VERY SERIOUSLY. Super Sweet 16s and all the other crazy parenting does not a decent adult make, no matter how much money you have or don't have or what ever. UGH!

On a lighter note, "Life In A Northern Town" will be called "The OC" this week as we head down to Newport Beach for the temple open house, then Disneyland, then Cousin Brent's WEDDIN', so sorry about the hiatus. If can get online I will, but if not, there will be some fine pix and stories next Tuesday. Happy Trails.

Monday, August 15, 2005

ON THIS DATE IN HISTORY: My mom was born!!!

August 15, 1951--a week before my grandparents' first anniversary-- in Monterrey Park, California, my mom was born. She's been called lots of things, like a sunshine, a force to be reckoned with, a spoon (by gramps), generous, and most of all, FUN (remember those color-coded personality tests? My mom was like straight-up yellow). We sure love her and hope she has a super 54th birthday. To celebrate, here's a (chronologically backward) photo essay I'll call "Me and My Mama."

There we are in 2001 in my honeymoon suite after our wedding reception in Tucson. Rich likes her so much, he let her come and help us open presents! I like her so much, I let her wear my Duke shirt!

There's mom in all her grandma glory with about half of her grandkids (the younger ones) in August 2004. She loves being Nana and the kids love her back!

That's Liam, Nana with Jake, Heidi, Spencer, Melanie, Ally with Jack, Addie, and Isabelle...thay all wish you HAPPY BIRTHDAY, NANA!

Mom and Me

Here we are at Campland on the Bay in San Diego. I had just performed with my little song-n-dance group, "The Pioneers of Music," and mom was one of the chaperones on our California tour in the summer of 1985. I was 13 and 3/4, she was almost 34, JUST LIKE I AM NOW! HOLY COW! (ps: for you long-time readers, I once promised a picture of my mullet if I could find one, so here you go--the mullet in all its glory...and braces to boot!)

There's my mom, making turkey sandwiches to send me back to Provo on Thanksgiving weekend 1991...Love Her!

Spirit of '76: Mom and Her Posse

Long time ago when we were all Laytons, living in Armpit, er, I mean Pocatello, Idaho-- that's mom at 25, holding Lisa & Laura (b.1974) and out in front are half of Willy (age 4) and me (age 5) sporting my own hair tragedy. Dad had that green chair til yesterday, I think. Mom, you're so cute!

Mom & Chubs, 1971

This scrunched-up picture is of my cute little 20-year-old mom and me. Mom has the best hair!

Sunday, August 14, 2005

Casa Melin

In front of the house: Rich, Heidi, Jamie & Addie
Thank you everyone who came and helped us build our home. Every little bit helped and we are so grateful.

Guess What We Did Yesterday?

A bunch of Melins gathered at Sacajawea Park for a little BBQ and stories from Great Uncle David (he is the baby brother of Richard's Grandpa George--only three siblings remain from that generation--Grandpa George died in a rodeo accident in 1950). It was fun to see all the genetics and hear the stories of "The Swedes down the valley." Sadly, the weather did not cooperate--it was in the 40's on Friday and Saturday, so the freak cold snap put a damper on the festivities, but the gang still had fun.

And The High Temp Was 49 Degrees!

Dad Melin cooked up some burgers and dogs to go with the smoked turkeys and fried chicken. When we thanked him, he said, "Really, I'm just keeping warm!"

Addie showing off her Melin Eyes (Seriously--we saw so many hooded blue eyes) and her name tag that says "Addie Melin--Tom is my Grandpa."

Addie and Heidi tried to get warm at the heater--see Heidi's cold runny nose?

Look at this beautiful Melin family! They are ranchers down the valley and every single one of the 11 kids was home schooled, most were born at home, and they all work on the ranch. They also have a band and hold cowboy worship services--I have read about them in the community calendar. Jim (the dad) is my dad-in-law's first cousin.


Dear Loved Ones,                                                                                                        We have just ...