Monday, July 02, 2007

Cowboys vs. Rednecks

I have made solemn vows to myself as a city girl to avoid becoming (or even becoming confused with) a country girl. Vows like not wearing big bangs or a crunchy perm or cowboy boots. Or not listening to modern country music. Or never, not EVER attending a rodeo.

But I am starting to rethink that last vow. I have finally drawn a distinction between real cowboys and the rednecks who pose as cowboys. For instance, at a rodeo, the cowboys would be showing off thier skills and competing with other cowboys, while the rednecks sat in the stands and drank beers and acted like fools.

I have a growing respect for cowboys and --especially--cowgirls. Last week we went to watch a round up and branding. My friend Summer and her husband help run a HUGE ranch in Springdale, and they are also allowed to keep 10 of their own cattle on the ranch. Of course those cows have bred several more calves and they needed to keep some over at our ranch. So we went to watch the whole process, and Summer's husband brought along the cub scouts he leads to teach them how it's done. It was so cute to see those little boys give the calves shots and then brand them!

But the coolest thing of all was to see Summer up on her horse roping the calves and dragggin' them over to get branded. She looked like a super hero and I was soooo impressed. Suddenly I realize what rodeos are all about (see, I told you I was a city girl). It's a place where hard workin' ranch people develop and show off the skills that make them successful. And that is an awesome and enviable skill set.

I am thankful for people who work hard to literally give us our daily bread. And burgers. Cattle ranching and wheat farming are two things we do a lot of here in Montana--well, I mean OTHER people do a lot of here in Montana-- and I have such respect and gratitude that there are still people in the world willing to work something other than 9-5, to keep family farms, to know the land, care for animals and do way more than their fair share to keep the humans alive.

Summer, you're my hero (and not just because you're doing an awesome job as Primary President). Maybe I'll see you at a rodeo someday!

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Father's Day Rewind

We gathered at Mom Melin's house to celebrate Father's Day and Rich's birthday with dinner, cake, and gifts. Mom made roasted chickens and we all brought salads and sides. It was great fun. Uncle Mike talks to James as Uncle Davey looks on...Addie, Rich & Heidi are in the background.

Dad Melin opens his new LL Bean shortwave radio with hand crank.
Rich's father's day gift was an apron that says "I love the smell of propane in the morning", a bbq mit, a long basting brush, and laminated grilling tips.
We gave Dad Melin this Tshirt that says, "If you can read this, you must be at the diamond bar seven ranch!"
Rich blew out his candles (with help)...we realized we can use the 3 and the 6 for everyone's birthdays this year (besideds James)--Heidi is 3, Addie is 6, and Rich and I are 36 this year!
Rich also got a shortwave radio...he's very excited. I'm telling you, this is the place to be in a disaster. The Melin boyz are mad about preparedness.
Peek-a-boo, Heidi sees you!
Rich's birthday gift from us was this Coleman kitchen. It has a place for a sink, a little counter for your stove top, and racks to dry towels and hang a lantern.

Happy Birthday & Father's Day to the best Daddy in the world!

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Meme-a-holics Anonymous

My new e-friend Kristen tagged me, and to her joy (I hope) I did TWO memes from her blog, Diary of a Shoe Addict.

The first: FOOD. I live in Livingston, Montana, less than an hour from the north gate of Yellowstone Park. Our culture is pretty meat-and-potatoes (literally, since it's cold and poatoes like it here, and there are lots of cows and Bison running around), but there are still a good variety of restaurants for such a small town.

1. Montana's Rib & Chop House: conveniently attacehd to the Chamber of Commerce Building, just a yard or two off the Northern Pacific Railroud tracks, Rib & Chop has straight up delicious food. A great blend of hearty Montana food and healthy gourmet stuff, Rib & Chop hits the spot anytime we can afford it! My favorite? Baseball-cut sirloin (they grillit then pour herb butter on it--to die 4) with a house salad with huckleberry dressing, and TWO sides: squah casserole and wild mushroom stuffing. The charbroiled chicken breast is almost as good as the steak and I get it often, too, and the cedar plank salmon.

2. Fiesta en Jalisco: Proof that God loves this Arizona girl--he sent a huge Mexican family to Montana to (a) buy lots of insurance from my husband and (b) open a yummy authentic Mexican restaurant--they even made me love mole! My faves are their Picadillo soft corn tacos, their cabbage salsa (think mexican kimchi without the rotting), and the chicken mole. Delish.

3. Rosa's Pizza: great pizza, dine in or deliver

4. The Pickle Barrel: great sandwiches, soups (steak chili--mm, mm, good! Melts the Montana winter into oblivion, at least for a few minutes), and beverages.

5. And last but never least, Mark's In-n-Out, the main drag attraction open every spring and summer for the past 55 years. Think Happy Days, but with almost no parking. Lots of walk ups and hanging out, eating burgers, shakes, fries, vanilla cokes and all that classic drive-in stuff.

Back in the Day: A Meme From Kristen

I got this meme from shoeaddict, and since I have my 1984-1989 Journal just sittin’ here, I thought it would be fun to write about THE EIGHTH GRADE. Holy Hannah…1984...

1. Who was your best friend? Susan Shanks (Hi, Sooz!!)
2. Who did you like? At the beginning of the year, I had a crush on Isaac Quinn and Ryan Farnum, and at the end of the year I was “going with” (“going where?…”) Ben Turner.
3. What sport did you play? I was a musical theatre geek, so instead of sports I had 2-hour song and dance rehearsals everyday and instead of games I had shows.
4. Did you buy your lunch? Yep, at the “snack bar” which was cooler than “hot lunch” but much less nutritious. I often got a chocolate shake and either a bagel or a burrito, into which I would smash Laura Scudder’s Nacho Cheese Tortilla Chips.
5. It's Friday night, where are you? Sleeping over at Susie’s, watching VHS tapes of shows I wasn’t allowed to watch at home (mostly MTV—especially “120 Minutes” or Late night with David Letterman, which was on at midnight back then so we couldn’t watch it on school nights and would have to catch up with weekend highlights) and eating Doritos or Jack in the Box Tacos and drinking Coke.
6. Were you a party animal? As much as possible in the 8th grade, in middle-class suburbia... no sex, drugs, drinking”—DITTO. People always thought I was on drugs because I was so silly, but I never did drugs, not ever.
7. Skip school? Not without a note from my mom.
8. Did you get suspended/expelled? "Never... the teachers LOVED me!”—DITTO. I’m the girl that missed 162 days of high school and still graduated with a B average.
9. Can you sing the alma mater? We didn’t have one that I can recall.
10. What was your favorite class? I guess it was my music class with Mr. Gabriel since I can’t even remember any other teachers. Oh, except Mr. Sandoval, the funny art teacher.
11. What was your schools full name? Joseph W. Magee Junior High School (Now it’s a middle school, which is the absolute WORST invention of the late 20th century—it should be a crime to take 6th graders out of elementary school—infact, I am an advocate of small K-8 schools myself. Middle schools contribute to the trend of kids growing up too soon and I think it’s tragic).
12. Did you go to the dances? I only remember going to one school dance besides the “8th Grade Prom”—which I attended with Ben in a lavender (could you DIE) dropwaist (I KNOW) dress complete with crocheted gloves (ACK!) and ballet flats.
13. If you could go back in time and do it all over would you? Not for every dime in Bill Gates’ bank account. It was fun and everything, but I’ve enjoyed my adulthood so much more.
14. What do you remember most about 8th grade? I remember my braces, hanging out with Susan, kissing boys, and knowing my family was falling apart.
15. Favorite memory in 8th grade? The California trip with our little song-n-dance group where we performed a bunch of places and wore out the grown ups (my mom was a chaperone and that was so fun).
16. Where did you go most often for lunch? The caff, dude.
17. What did you do on the last day of school? Heck, it was 17 years ago…I can’t remember. I think we left for Disneyland the next day though…my journal says Thursday June 5th and school usually got out on a Wednesday, so…I probably packed!
18. Did you like 8th grade? I suppose I did. I was anxiety-ridden, but I had a lot of good experiences.


Heidi has been obsessed with maturation lately...I can't get her to stop talking about hair in her armpits and boobs. She always asks if she can "feel the pokies in your armpits" (I am hoping that doesn't get blurted out in sacrament meeting).

I overheard this the other morning:

[Rich was changing Heidi's diaper]
Heidi: Dad, when I grow up, I'm gonna have hair on my armpits...
Rich: Yep.
Heidi: And hair on my bum...
Rich: Probably.
Heidi: And I will have big boobs, just like you! High five!

[Rich laughed really hard, but didn't really think man-boobs deserved a high-five. And I did get his permission to repeat this story]

Oh, Yeah...

...I forgot these in my Jolly June post. They were lost in the wrong folder! I've got Father's Day pix, too, so just hold your horses til I get home from work!

My three sillies...the girls were torturing James again with dress-ups. They love to put that hat on him because it's too small for either of them. And ya gotta love Heidi's swim suit over her clothes.

He really hates necklaces (which is great because I won't ever have to worry about him looking like a redneck or a gangsta wearing chains).

...but I think he likes aprons (who doesn't?!).

I think these were taken on Rich's actual birthday, June 18th. James was having fun playing in the girls' room.
Although he hasn't figured out the crawling, James does a great job scooting around on his bum with his feet or just rolling to get where he wants to go. At least he's moving now...a few weeks ago I was getting concerned!

Monday, June 25, 2007

Soak Up Some Sun!

Last Thursday we had our first truly hot day (in the 90's ). I put the kids outside in their swimming suits to play in the sprinkler and invited Cousin Danny over. I cranked up the AC and cleaned my whole upstairs including floors and windows. We had a BLAST!Addie, Danny, & Heidi playing "beach" on the deck, eating carmel corn and invisible raspberry kool-aid...good times!
PS: A certain acquaintance of mine was wondering how I can be both a morning person AND a night person (I love to stay up til at least midnight and I hate sleeping in, and until recently, I hadn't slept past 7am in YEARS). The answer to that query is (cue trumpets)
Yes! We live a siesta culture here at my house. We have long since left the desert heat, but as for me and my house, we will take a nap. My mother in law tells me stuff like, "She oughtta be outgrowing her nap by now," (WHAT?!?!?), and I think to myself, oh, no, it's in her genes--I took a nap until I was----um, almost 36. And even if we don't sleep, this place shuts down after lunch. From 2-4, it's "quiwt time." That's just how we roll. So viva la siesta!

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

On This Date in History...

My sweet nephew, Raef Hamlin, was born.

In the Jolly Month of June

I have lots of catching up to do as far as photos go!
Here are some fun things we've done so far in June:
The Elders' Quorum "Father-Offspring Campout" was held June 1-2 at Pine Creek.Addie roasting marshmallows
Heidi eating raw hot dogs
Watching Betty Boop and Popeye cartoons with the Bates Kids
Beddin' Down in the tent.

Sarah Bates & Addie exploring on Saturday morning
The new pavillion at Pine Creek Campgroud...I smell a family reunion!

My Lovely Mom-in-law turned 60 on June 10th.
We celebrated with a family party at Angie's House
(my SIL across the street).Ang made a beautiful cake...
...and Addie made a super cute card which she addressed in her own handwriting "To the Brithday Girl"--we all got a kick out of that! Our gift was a flower pot with gardening tools.
Angie serving up birthday cake
Mom deserves a cruise, a massage, 6-dozen roses, and a tiara for being so awesome. This party full of love and loved-ones was probably just as good for her...she is the best Grandma and the mother-in-law of my dreams. I am so grateful for all she has taught me and for her example of always seeing the best in others and never giving up on anyone.
She's terrific and we're so glad she was born!


Dear Loved Ones,                                                                                                        We have just ...