Monday, November 17, 2008

ON THIS DATE... 2005, my cute nephew Benny-J (Ben Petersen) was born! Happy Birthday, Ben!
Love, Your Melin Cousins

Friday, November 14, 2008

Just Call Me Popeye

So I felt like death the entire month of October, culminating in the Strep attack last week. I had tried to see my doc a couple of times, but she is a busy woman, so we just barely met up yesterday. Well...she freaked out about the leathery/bumpy rash on my shins and my bulging right eye. I didn't think it was so bad, but she was all super-urgent about getting it fixed. Today she called me and said she has set up an appointment for me with an eye specialist is SALT LAKE CITY (WTFreak?) in December, so I can go see him on my way to AZ. I have to get another CT scan of my freaky head. She had originally set up an appointment with an endocrinologist in Billings to just get my thyroid ablated, but she and he had a conference today and he told her that the eye thing had little to do with my thyroid, and since the hormone levels look good, we should just leave the thyroid alone. He said what's really happening is that the Graves Disease is now attacking my tissues like skin (the rash) and opthalmic muscles (the eye thing), and is doing other bad things to make me feel chronic pain and general malaise (wanna read the medical explanation? it's a fun one---click here).

No one has been clear on how you treat the actual disease (do you?), so I will just take care of the symptoms and try to do some of the natural remedies and dietary treatments for the disease. This auto-immune stuff bites.

But it sounds a lot worse than it is, because mostly I am fine. Maybe a little freaky looking, but fine.

PS: Did you know that Barbara Bush got Grave's Disease and that's why her eyes started bugging out? Seriously! Look at pix of her in the early 80's and compare them to now. EEK.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

J-Diddy is 64 Today

(I hope James has a school picture this cute--
this is my dad Jim Layton circa 1961 in Thatcher public school)
PS: Need another yummy golden morning nugget? Chew on THIS, courtesy of my dear Gee-Bee. Seriously--read it, think about it, then go about your day trying to see others with new eyes. It'll be fun.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Yummy Golden Morning Nuggets

Good Morning!
Need something to feast on? Try THIS! (excerpt:)

"The patterns used by God in creating the earth are instructive in helping us understand how to make prayer meaningful. In the third chapter of the book of Moses we learn that all things were created spiritually before they were naturally upon the earth.

'And now, behold, I say unto you, that these are the generations of the heaven and of the earth, when they were created, in the day that I, the Lord God, made the heaven and the earth,
'And every plant of the field before it was in the earth, and every herb of the field before it grew. For I, the Lord God, created all things, of which I have spoken, spiritually, before they were naturally upon the face of the earth”'(
Moses 3:4–5).

"We learn from these verses that the spiritual creation preceded the temporal creation. In a similar way, meaningful morning prayer is an important element in the spiritual creation of each day—and precedes the temporal creation or the actual execution of the day. Just as the temporal creation was linked to and a continuation of the spiritual creation, so meaningful morning and evening prayers are linked to and are a continuation of each other."

It's all about return and report. I LOVE the way Elder Bednar teaches.
Be a creator.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Seriously Adorable School Pictures

Sweet Adeline (6.91 yrs)
Mighty Heidi (4.5 yrs)
James Ole (2.1 yrs)

PS: Just now (9:30am) I saw Feist on Sesame Street singing, "One, Two, Three, Four Chickens just back from the shore, I love counting, counting to the number four, oh-oh-ho, we're counting to four, oh-oh-ho, let's count some more..." HILARIOUS! I love Sesame Street AND Feist.


Happy Veterans' Day!When I start counting my loved ones who are also veterans, I run out of fingers! Who knew my family was so brave, and I would marry into another brave family? Thanks to all of you for your service and for your example to me and my children.

More news from J-Diddy (Dad Layton)...

"Becky called me about 4:15 this morning. Her mother passed away a little after 4. She said last week that Rodney (Becky’s dad) would be here Thursday to get her. Guess he needed to come a little early. Becky is having a hard time dealing with it, so keep her in your thoughts and prayers.

Love y’all"

E-me if you need Dad's address to send a card. Also, Dad's 64th birthday is Thursday. He says he's ok and the doctors believe he is just recovering from a bad virus.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Check out James...

(sorry the video is RED... it looks like my house is on fire! Who knew there was an "underwater" video setting on my camera? Not me! Check out this and all our videos at Vimeo)

James' Vocabulary from MelinFamily on Vimeo.

From Daddy...

On Friday, my stepmom called in tears to let me know that after a severe cold (which she believes was pneumonia), my dad is showing symptoms of ALS, especially having trouble swallowing and dropping things in his lab. Poor stepmom has a lot on her plate, too, and we are trying to find ways to ease the sorrow happening down there in Poky. Here's the latest between me and dad...

What are you doing at work!? I think you need some REST! Please keep us updated on your health! We love and miss you so much!!! Love, Jamie


Something inside me tells me to keep moving, don’t get stoved-up. Also, daytime TV has proven to be a stimulus to go to work, since I have been unable to work on my home projects. I think I am doing quite a bit better now, but it is agonizingly slow. Also, I can’t feel sorry for myself when Becky’s mother is dying of congestive heart failure. She is suffering and is such a great lady. Becky stayed with her all last night, I’ll get an update sometime this a.m.

Hope stuff is more positive where you live. There can be no joy without opposition and a taste of sorrow.

Love Dad

Aw, Dad...I am so sorry! I talked to Becky on Friday and she was so distraught. I hope her mom doesn't have to suffer too much more. You're right--she is a wonderful lady; every encounter I have had with her has been so sweet.

And I think you're right about daytime TV, too. It's pretty obvious that the demographic is "uneducated, unemployed idiot." When I became a "stay-at-home-mom," I insisted we get the satellite. At least I could watch History channel or news while I fed and rocked my babies! ;)

In all seriousness, Dad, please let me know what your doctors are saying and how I can help you. My sisters feel the same way--we all have lots of experience after nursing mom this summer, and I speak for all three of us when I ask that we not be denied the opportunity to come and help and spend time with you if you need us.

Hang in there and listen to that "something inside"--get some rest and know we love you!

Love, junior

Friday, November 07, 2008

I think I sipped some KoolAid...

...because I liked THIS so much, I watched it three times. Way catchy!

Back in the Saddle

I'm up. I am better, save some residual aches and coughs. Yay.

Also, I don't have a choice, since everyone is home from school today (for conferences). Right now they are playing dress ups and listening to the Wiggles, so I am going to go take pix and join in the fun.

Thanks for all your loving care :)

PS: I don't know why, but I was thinking of Amelia Hapgood all day yesterday on her special 8th birthday. Sorry I didn't say it yesterday, but Happy Birthday, Amelia!


Are you there, Reagan? It's me, Jamie. I have a confession...I'm glad that McCain lost. Forgive me.

Remember when I said I had a revelation at the DNC? Here it is…I think when you have different ideas, and then get politics and power involved, things get way more competitive than they have to be. I have some fierce friends on both sides of politics who cannot begin to grasp how the other half thinks, which is a very sad, very extreme and blinded place to be. Understanding both sides doesn’t make you weak, doesn’t make you a flip-flopper—it just makes you better informed and may even help you to be a better person. It doesn’t mean you agreee—it just means you can see where your brother is coming from and can therefore treat him with respect.

I admit to being flabbergasted by the lefties once in a while, but as I watched Obama’s speech accepting his nomination, I mostly watched the crowd. I understood that they really, honestly, with all their hearts believed that he can do what he says he’s going to do. And he says he is going to do mostly good things. These are things that everyone wants—life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness (those are inalienable); equality, health, education, opportunity; I understand. There are very few people in the world who do not agree on the ENDS of our government. I think the disagreements come about the MEANS—about the government’s role in accomplishing the ENDS.

My idea is that the large federal government is unweildy and unable to address the needs of Americans on an individual and community level. I believe that I can do so much more for my community as a neighbor, friend, and servant than the President, or even my senator. I would rather work closely with my state and local government to solve problems than sit and wait for someone acroos the contintent (who has made a career of politics—don’t get me started on THAT) to come to our aid. I also believe in personal responsibility, and that most Americans will be more responsible with their own tax dollars (I am, thanks to THIS) than the federal government is (and the evidence of this truth is practically insurrmoutable—hello, Katrina?). However, I can clearly see where the idea of having a huge governent and welfare system can be attractive, too. It’s quite ideal, but unworkable due to the ever-present non-contributing sector of society. Fairness, sadly, is way out of our hands.

Anyway, as I watched the convention, and again as I watched Obama at Grants Park, I had the feeling that it’s worth a try. I think that the fierce idealism will be tempered by reality, and what’s wrong with a little fierce idealism when the country’s in the crapper? It's like letting a 9th grader run for Student Body President with the promise of A's and college admissions for all! Go for it, Sparky! The energy I saw and felt can certainly lift us out of the hole we’re in, and in two years we can elect people to ensure that we don’t dig ourselves another, deeper pit. Ya gotta love checks and balances.

I find the Obama story fascinating, riveting. His poor Grandma dying just adds to the drama. My heart really went out to him as I watched him speak Tuesday night—he was definitely sober, and seemed oddly alone (it’s a heavy mantle). I kind of look forward to watching the next few years unfold. But that may be because I face them like a spectator, from the log porch of my mountain home where I am mostly insulated from the craziness of Washington and Wall Street, with a basement full of food and guns. I have the luxury, if you will, of watching an experiment knowing my life won’t totally explode if the experiment fails. So count me in, peeps. I can’t deny there is magic in the air, so let’s roll with it. And git yer Welcome Jesus shirts on.

Another confession: there is something about Michelle Obama that I really like—as in, I bet if we knew eachother, we’d be friends. She is strong, accomplished, funny and still feminine, and regardless of politics, those are qualities I like in a friend. My hubby can’t stand her, so I like to annoy him by watching her speak, and then remind him, “Better Michelle than Hilary,” which is something upon which we all agree.


Dear Loved Ones,                                                                                                        We have just ...