Sunday, March 11, 2007

Weekend in Photos: FRIDAY

While I was getting ready to go to the retreat at Chico (which was totally fun), I mesmerized the girls with Little Einsteins......while James did his tummy time on the floor.
He's so sweet! See how he's holding the blanket with one hand?...
...Well, a few minutes after this photo was taken, I went back in the front room and he had rolled over holding the blanket (which then covered him up) and fell asleep there in the sunshine. He looked like a tiny angel.
While I was at the retreat, Rich had a "campout" in the basement living room with the kids.
Here they are roasting mini marshmallows over a candle.
They had a fun time, and he is the best dad EVER!

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Lazy Farmers

Just a friendly reminder from your Montana friends (DISREGARD if you're lucky enough to live in Arizona where they are too cool for DST) to SPRING FORWARD tomorrow! Don't be late for church, y'all!

Quote of the Week from Stephen Colbert: "I still don't see why the whole nation has to suffer just because lazy farmers won't get up at 4 unless we tell them it's 5" (Tuesday, March 6th on the Colbert Report's "Threat Down")........ I agree 100%.

And I bid you adieu, since I gotta catch that lost hour of sleep somewhere...

PS: Happy Birthday, Jared (click)! Thanks for the fun party!

Friday, March 09, 2007

Oh The Sweetness

I hope it's okay with Penelope's parents that I am uploading this gorgeous photo of her.

I simply can't resist!

Thursday, March 08, 2007

Many Happy Returns of the Day

I am happy to report that we all feel much better today. We did, in fact, get a nap, thanks to my SIL Angie taking Addie and Danny to the park, allowing Heidi, James, and me to rest peacefully. I made stir fry for dinner, and then took Heidi with me to the Beehive's Tacos-n-Personal Progress night at the Orton's house. It was pretty fun and I love those girls! Heidi rocked out to the Cars soundtrack--it was hilarious!

Today I have been busy cleaning and cooking for a baby shower (for Katy, whom I visit teach) I am hosting tonight. We are having a variety of wraps for dinner, so Heidi and I have been mixing up all kinds of chicken and tuna salads and choppin' veggies. It's sure to be a fun time!

Thanks to all of you who de-lurked; I haven't had any comment spam yet, so I'll leave off the verification as long as I can. Keep commenting--it makes me happy!


These two people are my Cousin Dave and his wife Lacy (this was the day they got married almost 2 years ago--aren't they so cute?) According to Dave's brother, Brent, they had a baby girl
AT THEIR HOUSE (that was planned) yesterday morning.

Congratulations, Mayberry Family!
Welcome to the World, Penelope!

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

I'm TARD! (that's southern for tired)

My happy little bubble of good nights' rest was burst with gusto last night (hey, it was only 6 days old anyway), as James was awake from 11pm til 4am, and Heidi graced us with several tantrums in that time span. To top it of, my neck is severly "Out," and my entire left side, from my jaw, down to my fingers and toes, is tingling, my left ear is ringing, and my left sinuses are clogged. THANKS, KIDS!

Last night I put a counter on my blog. If you are lurking here, I cordially invite you to make yourself known and leave a comment. It's kind of freaking me out how many people tell us they read our blog and have never left a stop in and say hi. I'll even take off word verification for the day to make it easy for you.

Now I am off to ice my neck and get dressed before I go see the chiro. Hopefully my exceedingly tired and grumpy children will nap today so we all feel better this eveing. UGH!

Monday, March 05, 2007

Figgerin' Stuff Out

I must insist that you click on my Brother Sam's link over there on the right (or right here) and tell him how cute his wife is and that they should keep blogging because we love them!

Since my new camera has a very fun and easy-to-use video camera in it, I intend to post clips here in the future. Tonight after Family Night I taught myself how to do it, and hopefully it will work. Here's one of the first videos we made the day we got the camera.

James, Heidi, Gram on Vimeo

Sunday, March 04, 2007

PS: I Adore Addie

On Saturday, I had to trim Addie's bangs because she cut a small chunk of "hair that was bothering" her and I got upset with her.

Later she was upset about something and she muttered under her breath, "I'm just stupid and ugly." I told her we don't talk like that, and she said, "But I said it to myself, not to Heidi, and I can say whatever I want to myself." I said, "No, you can't even be mean to yourself, because Heavenly Father made you and when you say bad things about yourself it hurts his feelings. He thinks you're beautiful. And I helped to make you, so it hurts my feelings, too."

I thought about that all night and how much my self-talk must hurt Heavenly Father's feelings. It was a great epiphany for March Forth.

Later that night (last night), Addie and I went on a date (thanks, Granmda Rosalie, for filling in for the babysitter--you're the best) and we went to see Bridge to Terrabithia. We both cried and talked about it all the way home. Addie really liked it, and today she told me, "Using your imagination can help you to be nicer and have a good day, even be nice to bullies." Yep.

I also watched Marie Antoinette by myself Friday night. Fun and worthwhile, I thought. Two best things:
1. Kirsten Dunst always reminds me SO MUCH of Heidi Egan and I can't put my finger on why, but it's fun to watch her for that reason alone (especially in Bring It On, imagining Heidi as a competitive cheerleader...heh, heh).
2. Best moment of the movie (which has an 80's soundtrack): When the Cure's "Plainsong" just blasts after the wedding scene--exactly the right song for such a moment. LOVED it.

March Forth

When I was in high school, I remember looking at the date "3/4" and thinking, "If you took the U out, it could sound like a command." That was the same year we studied Doctrine & Covenants (so it must have been March 1986) and I thought that this would be a scripture to read on March 4th:

"Brethren [and sisters, too!], shall we not go on in so great a cause? Go forward and not backward; Courage brethren[and sisters]; and on, on to the victory! Let your hearts rejoice, and be exceedingly glad. Let the earth break forth into singing; Let the dead speak forth anthems of eternal praise to the King Immanuel..." (D&C 128:22).

Imagine my surprise when my dear friend and surrogate big sister, Georgia, told me about her own March Forth celebration (I always say great minds think alike). For the past, I dunno, 12 or 15 years, we have exchanged March Forth greetings and cheers on this special homemade holiday.
(Happy March Forth, GeorgiaBee!)

As the years have passed, it seems increasingly appropriate to celebrate March Forth as a little end-of Winter jump start--to renew my resolutions for the year, to spring clean my house and my mind and my heart, and be ready to celebrate the joys of spring and Easter. I almost bore my testimony of March Forth today, but I was otherwise occupied with Rich out of town. So I bore it to myself and felt grateful that, although this "fresh-start" holiday comes round once a year, I can start fresh and rally the troops, so to speak, each week thanks to the Sacrament and all that goes in to it.

Another fun March Forth surprise THIS year was that it's not our own holiday afterall...look at THIS! From Family Fun magazine, which I love and use often (click to enlarge)...

What the heck!?! Well, now the cat's out of the bag and the whole world will be girding up their loins and taking fresh courage on the fourth day of March. So hup, two, three, four, people... spring's a-comin'!

PS: I've been home alone with my kids (hence, away from the computer) since Thursday, but Rich arrived home safe and sound from Utah tonight. He went there for a wedding--congratulations and good luck to Shaun Spalding & his new bride!

Jamie Layton Jamie Post Jamie Melin

I hated that my blog didn't come up when I googled myself, so I made a post with my name(s) in it so googlers end up where they should be!
Also, Congrats to my cuz,
Check him out HERE.

Behold The Cuteness: Half Birthday Extravaganza!

Our Roly Poly Ole Boy will be six months old tomorrow! He weighs 20 pounds and he's 27 inches tall and he's the sweetest boy ever! We took lats of pictures of him with our new camera last week... Here he is crying, "Put that camera down and pick me up!"
He's laughing at me in a big puddle of drool
James laughing at Addie
James doing the tongue thing he's been doing since he's been teething
Awww...Sweet Baby James
Ole Boy shows off his cleavage
Curious James...we also call him "Wee Bub" My Squishy talking to angels

Doesn't it look like he's been caught off guard in the tub?Interested in the camera
Bubby laughing at his sisters

...Happy Half Birthday, James!
We sure love you!
Love, Daddy, Mami, Addie & HeidiLynners

Family Fun

Here we are on Wednesday in our new Spacesaver Rocker Recliner--the first (and hopefully last) piece of furniture we bought from a furniture store. It's comfy and fun!
And here is Heidi in her short bangs being darling on 3/1:
Good times at Casa Melin!


Dear Loved Ones,                                                                                                        We have just ...