At our house, Tuesday evening...
Addie: Mom, why do you keep crying?
Me: Because I feel sad and I am worried about my brother.
Addie: Is that why the phone keeps ringing and you're crying on the phone?
Me: Yep.
Addie: What happened mom? What happened?
Me: I just feel sad because Uncle --- made a bad choice and hurt Aunt ---'s feelings. She is sooo sad, at that makes me sad. But I will be okay, honey, and we will say prayers that Aunt and Uncle will be okay, too.
Addie: (after mulling things over in her mind) Well, if Aunt---is sad, someone should give her a hug.
[Awwww...doesn't that break your heart?]
Me: Auntie's sisters are visiting her and giving her lots of hugs to help her feel better.
Addie: Oh, that's good.
Then today, Addie and I were putting all the gifts we have received by mail under the tree, and she came to the ones from Aunt---, who has us for Christmas this year. Addie remembered what we had talked about the night before: "Mom, I wish Aunt---- lived in Montana so I could hug her when her feelings get hurt."
I know Dr. Phil always says not to burden kids with adult problems, but I wanted to answer her question--she obviously knew something was wrong. I hope this was appropriate and she is not worried (I was such a little worry-wart--I hope she doesn't inherit that!).
So yeah...there's been a definite damper on our Merry Christmas around here, but we are doing our best to make it festive and joyful for the kids and remind ourselves that, when you really think about it, this is what the joy of the Christmas season is all about--the fact that this baby was born to die for our sins and take upon himself the pains of his people so he could succor them in their hurt.
"...In all our trials born to be our friend...
He knows our need, to our weakness is no stranger,
Behold your King! Before him lowly bend!
Truly He taught us to love one another,
His law is love and His gospel is peace..."
Auntie & Uncle...we are praying fervently for you.