Tuesday, September 09, 2008


Back on August 30 (Labor Day Weekend), we took a trip down the river... James played cowboy while we got ready.
Addie, Me, and Jame on the Yellowstone River near Mission Creek
Rich's feet and our kids (Heidi was in Wyoming with Gram & Gramp Melin)
A storm was brewin' (see the sky? That's why we went down the river on Saturday instead of on our rainy Labor Day).
Addie was so cute trying to row her boat
Check out my pedicure and those ominous clouds!
I look like Jabba here, playing my oar guitar
Richard--don't we look like river bums?
We were joined by a band of pirates on the river, seen here taking a break along the Feldstein's ranch (they're our ranch-neighbors). We made it to the ranch and were on our way home by the time the rain started.

On Tuesday when Heidi came home, Daddy celebrated by taking the kids to the train museum in their jammies.

James was really excited, as he is really into all things that "go".


Monday, September 08, 2008

Axe in the Skull

I have lots of great photos to post and stories to tell, but I woke up with a headache that has escalated despite exercising, taking a walk, scrubbing down the master bath, taking medicine, and resting. Shucks. Maybe it's because I did our legal documents today (my will, health care directive, child care directive/ medical permissions)--that's enough to give anyone a MIGRAINE!!

Anyway, I'll get to it ASAP, but for now, here's a little nugget that just happened...

Addie: (examining a little wooden box that Heidi brought home from church that says "Tithing" on top and "WWJD?" on the sides) What does this say, Heidi?

Heidi: (rolling eyes, exasperated) It says "What would Jesus do?" and the answer is on top--"Get Money!"

[Uhhhhh...something like that. At least she remembers the Jesus part. We'll have to work on the tithing concept!]

Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Mid-Week Howdy

I haven't posted in a long time, just cuz we've been pretty busy. Heidi went to Wyoming & Rapid City with Grandma & Grandpa Melin from Thursday til Tuesday--she just got home last night and we really missed her! Addie and I put up a Welcome Home Heidi sign and waited for her to arrive around 4pm. It was so fun to see her, and so fun to see the kids all reunited and happy to see each other.

So Heidi left Thursday, and we went to dinner at the Slack Knuckle, watched the end of the DNC that night, and enjoyed having our bed to ourselves ALL NIGHT LONG. Friday we freaked out about Sarah Palin's VP nomination. My first reaction: Okay, McCain just lost. I mean I love her, but nobody knows her. But then I thought: if everyone is so gung-ho to change politics and shut out the career politicians (Biden, Clinton, McCain--I'm taking about YOU), then Palin is perfect. Why is experience such an issue when a non-Washingtonian is what we've all been praying for? It's exactly what we need, and Palin is about as far from the beltway as you can get. ROCK ON. It's still a longshot, but Yay McCain for taking a risk!

Saturday we cleaned house and floated the river in the afternoon, and I worked that night. Our weekend storm rolled in just as we got home from the river. It was rainy and windy all weekend (I won't say "cold" because, although it got down in the 30's, that's NUTHIN' compared to what's coming). Sunday was church, lunch, naps, then our Stake Women's Conference in Bozeman. It was great and I plan to post some of my notes when I have more time. On the way home from Bozo, the rain got torrential and I arrived home to a power outtage. We all went to bed early and slept soundly.

We woke up on Labor Day to find the power still out, so we went to breakfast and to Grandpa & Grandma's house to do our laundry and a bunch of mending/tailoring on her good sewing machine (they obviously had power). Around 1pm, Rich borrowed their generator and took it home to save the stuff in our freezer, and the power came on shortly thereafter. So we came home, finished our laundry, watched news coverage of the RNC and the hurricane. We went out for some hot cocoa after dinner and had another good night's sleep.

Tuesday was back to the grind--Addie to school , Rich to work, and I had to clean up and grab some groceries for home-made pizza night. I did some prep for our trip and lots of housework, helped Addie with her homework and made the dough for pizza night. Heidi got home and we celebrated with plums and lemonade, then dinner, then Daddy was so nice and took the kids to the train museum. I retired, having the girly flu and feeling exhausted, after watching Glann Beck.

It was a good weekend and we are starting to freak out a bit about our big trip across the pond. Two weeks from right now, we'll be on the plane. EEK.

I'll post some weekend pix as soon as I get a chance. Right now we are headed out for a family appoinment with our dentist/bishop. YAY, clean teeth!

Saturday, August 30, 2008

So Much to Say, So Little Time!

I have to go float the river, but I have so much to say about my huge crushes on Sarah Palin and Bobby Jindal, and how stunning it was that crazy ol' McCain chose SP for VP, how I had a spiritual revelation during the last night of the DNC, how my love for The Daily Show grwos with each election, etc...

For now, two things.

First, MY MAMA IS TUMOR FREE!!!! With Dr. Simon's and Awesome Nurse Tammy's help, lots of nasty chemicals, she WHOOPED LYMPHOMA'S BOOTY! She had her PET scan on Thursday and saw Dr. Simon on Friday and he said she doesn't have to do her last two treatments! He is going to give her some recovery time and then fire up the ol' radiation. When she called yesterday, Addie heard me talking (and crying--do you know how much better this makes my Europe trip?) and she said, "Is that Nana?"
I said yes.
Addie said, "Is she all better?"
I said, "Almost! The doctor said he doesn't have to give her any more of that medicine at the cancer center!"
"She's better already, before Christmas? You said she would be sick until Christmas, and she's better already? I'm so glad!"

We all are, Addie!!! She must have got your balloon wish last weekend! ;)

SECOND, this hilarious (PG-13) spoof on the Obama Biography. It made me laugh out loud. Enjoy--More later!

Friday, August 29, 2008

August in Retrospect

(actually, it's just a bunch of pictures I never posted).
Oh, PS: I keep getting questions about our Eurpoe Trip coming up 9/17-10/01, so may I just direct your attention to the "LONDON CALLING" icon over there on the right? It's a link to our travel blog and all your queries shoudl be answered there. Gracias.
Also, I updated the 08.23 post about the balloon launch with a video of the Provo event.
Floating the Yellowstone River (08.16)
Rich's canoe tipped over pretty much first thing when we got in the water and James was surprisingly concerned. He kept standing up in our raft, watching Daddy, shouting, "Oh! Oh!" This picture was taken a few minutes later and he still has a very concerned look on his face. (don't worry--he got over it and had a fun time).
Heidi and Addie would always rather be IN the water than ON it...
Rich took this picture of Jess in front of him in their shared canoe.
Here's canoe #2 with Davey, Sariah, Danny, Liana, and Mark
(yes, I was the only "mommy" that went--what's up with that?!)

This picture cracks me up because you can see that I am freaking out about my kids doing crazy stuff, while Mike is just grinning. See James trying to touch the water, Heidi standing up and yelling commands, and Addie trying to row us closer to Daddy's canoe...what a circus.
Me, James, Heidi, Addie, and Uncle Mike just chillin' in our raft...
it was so beautiful out there!

A darling shot of Sariah, Danny, and Liana.

We Love the River!


That night, James and Amory got married right next to the river.Look at the cool wedding cake (this was not the groom's cake--it was THE cake)!
(Addie and Liana were so excited that Amory gave them trout cookies)
The night before we enjoted some cupcakes in honor of Nana's Birthday

(you may have seen the video of this even posted earlier).


We also stole some grate pictures from Mark's camera...

...like this one of him and Jared in the garden at the ranch.

...and this one of Mark leading the kids on an expedition at Pine Creek (08.14)...

...where they played in the creek and saw these deer!
Here's Mark on the Boys' Hike/Campout surveying the big burn from summer '06.
And I had to steal this photo because it is so quintessentially Grandma Rosalie in August. Here Liana and Sariah watch her tend her awesome backyard garden (and she's got another one at the ranch). I thank heaven every day for her green thumb, which cancels out my black one (is that a curse for being a desert rat? No, couldn't be because my dad grows a mean garden, too. It's just my burden, I guess. It's amazing my kids are still alive!).
So there you have it! Bring on September!

Thursday, August 28, 2008

On This Date in History...

...My sweet nephew Brady Hamlin was born

in 2004 ("the year of the nieces & nephews"

--3 nieces, 4 nephews, and Heidi to boot!)

"You, my brown-eyed boy..." eating an ice cream at Multnomah Falls this summer.
We Love You, Brady! XOXO
PS: Where have all my readers gone? Long time passing...
Please humor this ol' goat and leave a comment ( or de-lurk)!


Today is "NieNie Day" on the internet
(see here and here and here and here and here).
Lots of people are auctioning things, or buying things.
Me, I'm just trying my best to answer the quetion of the day with my actions:
"What Would NieNie Do?"
Would she preserve fresh fruits and vegetables for hte coming winter (I mean, if they HAD winter in AZ)? Yes. Would she bake fresh and healthy cookies for her family? Yes. Would she love on her little ones all morning (and feed them aforementioned cookies and let them make a mess)? Yes.
Then would she put little ones down for nap and enjoy a romantic lunch with her hubby while watching European Travel Tips DVDs? Probably.
So check, check, check, and check.
Now, I don't know if Steph has a testimony of SIESTA like I do, but in Jamie's world a cool, windy afternoon + napping kids + clean, quiet house= NAP FOR MAMA!
Here's to you, Nie! XO

The End of Wednesday

While I was uploading yesterday's video of Addie's school, Heidi swiped the camera and took these (among other) pictures: Bright flowers for a rainy day...
The poster we made for family night, which is hanging on the door to the garage (right by the hooks for jackets and backpacks).
Heidi's Self-Portrait
After we picked up an elated Adeline at 3:10pm, we drove over to Grandma's and harvested green beans and talked about school....
We brought the bans to our house for processing and storage.
My workstation

Two fresh onions and three tomaters hitched a ride with the green beans.
1 hour and 40 minutes from garden to dinner plate--
Steamed, drizzled with olive oil, sprinkled with S&P
YUMMY! Lots of vitamins for energetic kids!
(Addie & Heidi playing with our neighbor, Taylor after dinner)

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

First Day of the First Grade

The Story of Rich's Life... Rich writes a check for Addie's lunch ticket near the playground.
My (tall) first grader!

Silly Heidi gives Addie a Good-Luck-Hug
James thinks the Playground is awesome

As The Bell Rings... from MelinFamily on Vimeo.
As The Bell Rings... from MelinFamily on Vimeo.

Addie waiting in line to go into her class

We parked behind this cool old truck near the school

Update: I woke up this morning with the whole left side of my throat & sinuses swollen. It hurts to swallow or sniff, so I have been blowing my nose every five minutes. Something bad happened back there. Oh, well.


Dear Loved Ones,                                                                                                        We have just ...