Saturday, November 29, 2008

November in Retrospect

I just realized while uploading last week's pictures that I haven't unloaded my camera ALL MONTH. So here's what we did at the beginning of November: Daddy & James hung out
James played dress ups with his sisters on Parent-Teacher
conference day (11/7) when everyone was home from school.

Poor guy...that's a skirt on his head.
On PTC day, Heidi and Addie were very busy being fairies and crafting all manner of stuff down at the craft table.

On the first Thursday of each month, Daddy has to go to Bozeman to lead the Emergency Preparedness Committee, so I let the kids choose dinner. Usually it's ramen or stir fry, but for some reason they've been asking for Kid Cuisine since Rich let them choose fromzen dinners a few months ago. Well, being the sly mom that I am, I saved the trays and I made chicken nuggets, chocolate pudding, corn, oranges and cottage cheese an served them up Kid Cuisine style. Nobody knew the difference.
I took a picture of these canisters because I finally threw them away. We bought them at Williams-Sonoma when we got married, used the mixes, then refilled them with Bisquick and used them for decoration above our cabinets in every home. I love the graphics, but I am going for less clutter, so it's a fond farewell to our little WS friends.
Addie had a fun cookie-decorating play date with her friend Kendall on 11/12
Addie hates it when Heidi tags along
Kendall, Addie, and Heidi making cookies.
James hiding from his sisters under my desk
My doctor gave these glasses to James when he came with me to my last appointment. Heidi looks awesome in them!
And so does Addie!

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Oh, To Grace How Great a Debtor Daily I'm Constrained to Be!

My heart feels full of thanks today as I prepare for Thanksgiving. If I find a moment, I will pour it out, but in case I don't, let Mr. Nielson show you what gratitude looks (CLICK HERE).

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Georgia's Meme

Way back last month Geo posted a meme that I wanted to do but couldn't find time. Well, now I am making time, and I may have to write in segments, but I'm gonna do it.

What Were You Doing 10 Years Ago?
In November 1998, I had just moved back to AZ after a very brief stint in Utah post-graduation. I was hanging out at the condo again, with University Ward friends, the Wright Brothers, Tom, Lyz, Nic, Adriane, etc...working at alphagraphics and in a reading lab at U of A, registering for some graduate classes. On November 25, 1998, I see that I went to see Life is Beautiful with Aaron and Andrew Wright, at my suggestion, and we all agreed it was the best movie we had ever seen. Here is a journal excerpt from around that time:

My thoughts seem to be around my ankles today
Over the weekend they
passed before me like a tired
There he stood
And he smiled
and he gave me just a taste of it
And he pulled me out of my head
And he
reached into me
And he took me far from here...
Sun 60
Man, the Leonid meteor shower sure did work its mojo in the Old Pueblo last night! Lyzzie met a nice molecular bio student sitting onthe hood of his car in Reddington Pass...ahhh! Jamie (that' s me) stepped out of her convent and had a night of cinematic love...Dig, if you will: Midnight on the trampoline under clear, starry skies. The air is crisp, 45 degrees, and I am snuggled up with all the boys listening to "Dark Side of the Moon" and suddenly I am drawn to X like a magnet, so we snuggle like crazy...X says we're friends and he doesn't want anyone to get hurt or anything, and I say, "Rock on, dude, kiss me anyway," so he does and I can live on that for weeks.

21 NOV 98/10am:...I am waiting for Adriane. She and Celeste and I are going
to see the wedding dress she chose. It should be super fun cuz I love those
girls. 2pm: Home from the girly date with joyous news! (a) Adriane found a
dreamy dress and (b) Celeste is pregnant and due in July!

It really was a weird time in my life, but also very fun, with a steep learning curve. In retrospect, of course, I can totally see the scene being set for me to meet Rich almsot two years later, but it all seemed like a twisting, crazy road while I was on it!

What Were You Doing 20 Years Ago?

November 1988 was about the middle of the worst year of my life so far. Even 20 years later I feel sick just thinking about it. I had just turned 17, my parents were divorcing, and suffice it to say that my prayers usually consisted of about 10 minutes of crying and then asking Heavenly Father to please take me back, to let me die.

However, even with all the sadness, there was the beginning of my knowledge that God is always looking out for me. At the end of that month, my grandparents unexpectedly came home from their mission in Africa because my grandmother had contracted a nearly-fatal case of malaria. To my great relief and joy, they arrived home in time for Thanksgiving, and boy did I give thanks. While comparing notes with my grandmother, we found that within a matter of hours of each other, both of us had admitted defeat in life's trials: I was kneeling with an unbearably heavy heart at my bedside in Arizona, and she was lying--deathly ill and helpless--in a hospital bed in England. As we both begged for relief, Heavenly Father told her, "You have to go home and save the children."

So she did.

What Were You Doing on 9/11?

We were living in Draper, just married 7 months, 7 months pregnant. We were awakened around 7am by a call from my little brother Michael, who was home in California while my mom & stepdad were in Ohio. He was watchign teh news and was scared about the attacks, and about our brother Matt, who was serving a mission in New York City. We switched on the Today show and watched just after the second plane hit. The first words out of my mouth were, "Osama bin Laden"--seriously! Just a minute or two after we turned on the TV, President Bush came on and said it was an apparent terrorist attack.

I was horrified and worried about my brother. My parents were supposed to fly home to Cali from Ohio that day. I didn't want to go to work. I was supposed to write all these motivational, inspiring emails touting our company's big upcoming reward weekend at the Grand Wailea, and I didn't think it was going to happen with all the air traffic stopped. I called my work and they made me come in anyway.

Driving from Draper to Lindon was spooky. The highway was almost empty and the sky was, too. I spent the morning on the phone with my brother, the missionary in NYC (he was at the laundromat in Harlem watching the smoke and ash fill Manhattan), and I sent out those stupid emails. My whole afternoon was spent writing a NEW email postponing the reward weekend (duh). "Sunday Bloody Sunday" by U2 ran through my head all day long..."I can't close my eyes and make it go away..."

The most difficut thing was attending my first childbbirthing class at Alta View hospital that night. Everyone in the class was visibly shaken about bringing babies into an obviously different world. And I think we had good reason: although my daughter has enjoyed a happy home and family, her country has been at war her entire life. She knows about terrorists and jihad and supporting the troops and threat levels, all things I never knew as a Cold War kid.

What Were You Doing 5 Years Ago? That's easy--you can read about it HERE.

What Were Doing 1 Year Ago?-Click HERE.




Monday, November 24, 2008

Coming Soon...

Weekend Update! We had so much fun in Utah, and my Addie is now SEVEN YEARS OLD! There's lots to say and some more photos, but for now...

Two Heidis Collide!

Heidi Melin and Heidi Egan finally met one another this weekend...Heidi Melin is totally in love with "Big Heidi"...I LOVE IT!

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Popeye Update

My eye apointment went well. It was so cool to see my CT scan. My eye muscles, which should like little stripes on the scan, look like jelly beans behind my orbits (eyeballs). My right eyelid is retracted and the eyeball is protruding about 2+mm. My vision doubles when I look up and to the far right. I didn't really notice until the doc pointed it out. He says I am in the active phase of Grave's Disease (the degenerative part). They're not sure how far into it I am, but it usually lasts a year or so, and then it levels off, and then they do surgery to repair the damage. Sometimes the muscles swell and squeeze off the optic nerve--but that's rare--and then they don't wait for the inactive phase--they do emergency surgery to relieve the pressure.

Anyway, to manage the pressure right now, I am going on a six-week program of IV steroid treatment (with our friend, prednisone--UGH!) a the closest chemo center, and they will communicate my status to the eye center here. I'll come to Utah every three months or so for check ups until the active phase is over and then we'll go from there.

I am going to see a nutritionist to manage the ravenous hunger and bloating that comes from prednisone because I am at maximum density right now--I just can't gain anymore weight or I'll die! I look forward to less inflamation in my body and working out with the PT and the Curves girls!

Yay for getting better!

We're off to Addie's birthday brunch with cousins at Mimi's Cafe...we are having a ball with them. Shout out to Cousin Brent for stopping by last night and celebrating with us...he even tolerated a Barbie movie and lots of hugs/ wrestling. It meant a lot to the kids to see you, Brentito! And same for you, Papa Post and Jeanna--it was so fun to see you!

The daddies just got home from a scout campout and they need hugs. Have a fun Saturday!

Heidisms: Trip to Utah Edition

While watching Polar Express on DVD in the car near Ennis, Montana
Addie: Is there really a North Pole?
Mom: Yep
Addie: Can we go there?
Mom: Well, there aren't any roads so you would have to hike through the ice to get there.
Dad: Or ride a dog sled or a helicopter.
Heidi: You have to ride a unicorn!...[long pause, mom & dad giggle]...or if you're a tiny mouse, you can ride a flying squirrel.

Just now, when Jack, Drew, and Rich arrived home from their scout campout
Jack: Hey Heidi, I came home!
Heidi: I'm glad you came home. I felt like a sad little girl when you were gone.

(I am sure there will be more--I'll update more later)

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Off to See the Wizard

The kids are on a "Wizard of Oz" jag right now. We have watched it everyday since last Saturday when we tivoed it off TBS. They were delighted when I rummaged thru their closet this morning and produced the Madame Alexander mini-dolls of Dorothy, Tin Man, Scarecrow, and the Witch of the East (we're missing the Lion, so if anybody gets one in their Happy Meal, we'd love it!).

So we are heading to Utah in about an hour...we're off to see the eye doctor (tomorrow afternoon in Sandy)! And the cousins! And the Bucherts! And Brent? YAY! We'll celebrate Addie's 7th birthday tomorrow and we'll be home Sunday night to get ready for my favorite holiday, THANKSGIVING! I'm crossing my fingers that my bug eye is treatable with a quick and one-time steroid shot, and also hoping that all goes well in Primary this Sunday while I am gone.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

News from Dad

I went to Dr. Lassere yesterday for my follow-up visit and he claims he has the answer for the sudden loss of muscle strength and coordination, West Nile virus. It is very prevalent in this area. Less than 1 percent of people who test positive for anti-bodies to this disease have any kind of neurological symptoms, however they occur most often in folks over 50. The name for the syndrome is pretty scary, and I had a rather benevolent form of it, is West Nile poliomyelitis. I am part of that lucky 1 percent. The real lucky part is that almost all of the symptoms have gone! The first symptom was tingling and numbness in the hands, and it looks like that is the last symptom. That is slowly going away, and my hands are fully functional, but the mild numbness is still irritating. The fly fishing arm will be in prime condition by Spring.

I apparently had type B influenza, a bacterial inner ear infection, and west nile virus within a week or so. If your gonna’ get sick, try to do it all at once and get it over with!
(we call that "consolidate the misery"--be glad when bad stuff happens all at once!--jm)

I appreciate all of you folks and your concern with Becky losing her mother this last week.


Poor Dad! I am so glad it was a VIRUS! But I am still sorry you got sick. EWWW! Seiously, this is such a weight off my mind. We were getting all geared up for "Operation Papa Care" this winter! I hope things went smoothly for Becky and her family this past week. Please giver her our love and give yourself a pat on the back for being such a tough guy!

Love, Jamie

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

On This Date... 2005, my niece Rosalie Lynn Gray was born!
(and this was the SECOND time my sister Jill and Rich's sister Angie had babies within 24 hours of each other!
This is a picture of Rosalie with her family last year--Rosalie, Daddy Davy, Danny, Mommy Angie, and Baby Hannah).
Happy Birthday, Rosalie!
We're so glad you came back to be our neighbor!
Love, Your Melin Neighbor-Cousins

Monday, November 17, 2008

ON THIS DATE... 2005, my cute nephew Benny-J (Ben Petersen) was born! Happy Birthday, Ben!
Love, Your Melin Cousins

Friday, November 14, 2008

Just Call Me Popeye

So I felt like death the entire month of October, culminating in the Strep attack last week. I had tried to see my doc a couple of times, but she is a busy woman, so we just barely met up yesterday. Well...she freaked out about the leathery/bumpy rash on my shins and my bulging right eye. I didn't think it was so bad, but she was all super-urgent about getting it fixed. Today she called me and said she has set up an appointment for me with an eye specialist is SALT LAKE CITY (WTFreak?) in December, so I can go see him on my way to AZ. I have to get another CT scan of my freaky head. She had originally set up an appointment with an endocrinologist in Billings to just get my thyroid ablated, but she and he had a conference today and he told her that the eye thing had little to do with my thyroid, and since the hormone levels look good, we should just leave the thyroid alone. He said what's really happening is that the Graves Disease is now attacking my tissues like skin (the rash) and opthalmic muscles (the eye thing), and is doing other bad things to make me feel chronic pain and general malaise (wanna read the medical explanation? it's a fun one---click here).

No one has been clear on how you treat the actual disease (do you?), so I will just take care of the symptoms and try to do some of the natural remedies and dietary treatments for the disease. This auto-immune stuff bites.

But it sounds a lot worse than it is, because mostly I am fine. Maybe a little freaky looking, but fine.

PS: Did you know that Barbara Bush got Grave's Disease and that's why her eyes started bugging out? Seriously! Look at pix of her in the early 80's and compare them to now. EEK.


Dear Loved Ones,                                                                                                        We have just ...