Saturday, April 04, 2009

Tuesday Photos

I ended up staying in Tucson for 3 nights because Sam wanted to go to the Career Fair at the UofA, so I chilled with my grandparents on Monday and half of Tuesday (sorry we missed you, Miki!). We walked (and shopped) at Park Place, ate Kristen's yummy leftovers, read, napped, and generally enjoyed the silence AND the company...March 31: Grandpa Bill, Me, and Grandma Lyn in front of their house.
This is the house on Eastland where I spent most of my AZ life.
My mom was taller than those palm trees when she graduated from high school...
look at them now!
Kristen's parents' backyard, where I enjoyed the weather and rocked Owen.
Blossoms everywhere at Devers'
Tuesday night we headed back to Phoenix to Layton's house so Owen could go to the doctor on Wednesday morning. He was a good boy and didn't even cry when he got his shot!
Owen loves sunshine (and his silly dad)
Kristen is such an adorable mother.
Here she is snuggling Owen in the waiting room.
(Do you like his All-Star sneaker socks? His Daddy bought them).
The beginning of a yawn...

...more waiting...
Owen feeling perky after a nummy lunch.

Owen chatting with Daddy
Look at that profile! I think he's a great blend of Sam and Kris!

I'll miss you, sweetie boy!
I got a wicked migraine on Tuesday night and Wednesday and didn't have the presence of mind to take photos of my slumber party with Celeste (Arnett) Hall and her fabulous kids, nor our wonderful PF Chang's dinner with Stephanie Ingermanson Lund, Marce Mason, and Cassie Mason Bacon (in fact, my headache got so bad that I barfed at PF Chang's and ended up not getting any dinner. I know--tragedy! What's worse is that I threw up an $8 migraine pill AND the L&L BBQ Spam Musubi I'd eaten for afternoon snack--SHUCKS! I did have a great time with everyone after that, though, so it was totally worth it. I even stayed up chatting with Celeste until nearly 2am). Thanks everyone for the wonderful time. I will write in more detail about the good visits, impressions, conversations, etc., when I get a chance. For now, it's time to make some treats while Daddy is at priesthood meeting...HUGS 2 ALL!
(especially to all the Hall and Christiansen kids with whom I am now smitten!)

May I have your autograph, robngeo?

Read THIS wonderful article about two of my dearest friends and thier fabulous art/life.

Love it, guys. You're amazing.

Friday, April 03, 2009

A Chilly Reception

So I got home safe and sound on Thursday morning. My dear amiga Celeste delivered me to the Mesa Airport at 4:30 am (after a whole 2 hours of sleep--we could NOT shut up, but I'm glad we had such a fun visit). I caught my plane at 6am Mesa time (just as the sun was rising over the desert--so beautiful) and landed two hours later at 9am Billings time. I was able to call the cab as I was de-planing (I didn't check any luggage), so I waited about 2 minutes for the cab and was driving home in my Civic on I-90 by 9:30 am. I got home at 11:20, just as Rich had delivered Heidi to pre-school and my friend Erin was babysitting James. It was so sweet to hug my boy! I brought him a little prop plane toy, so he played with that for a while and then we had some quiet time before eating lunch with daddy and napping, then picking up the girls at 3pm IN THE SNOW!!!!! Rich took us to Mark's In and Out for dinner and the whole family slept in my bed that night. It's so good to be home!

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Blessing Day Photos

Great-Uncle Matt, Baby Owen, and Papa Jim

Grandpa Bill blowing out his candles

Aunt Lisa and Baby Owen

Kris & Sam welcoming their guests
All the blessing participants

Great-Grandpa with Owen Elrey Layton

Sweet Baby Owen with Great Grandma Dever
Papa Bill & Nana Lyn walking to Devers' house, site of Owen's blessing and Papas birthday celebration.

My Fab Weekend

The sun us up
the sky is blue
it's beautiful
and so are you
dear prudence
won't you come out to play?


Man, it is so beautiful in AZ! I'd forgotten what a sonoran spring looks like (gorgeous) and I'm in love. Flowers in the desert! 75 degrees, sunny with a light breeze! Sign me up! When I got off the plane and put on my sunglasses I almost cried.

My trip down here on Saturday was lovely. I left my house in Livingston at 5:34am and drove to Billings. I parked the Honda at the Sleep Inn and called the yellow cab to pick me up at about 7:50am and drop me at the airport at 8:15-ish. It took me about 15 minutes to check in and get thru security, so I had an hour until my plane started boarding. I went to a cafe and had an orange and a croissant and read my Family Fun magazine. By the time I read the whole thing, it was time to line up at gate B4 and catch my flight to Mesa. It took a while, but we were in the air by 10:20am Montana time. I took my seat by the window and waited for the other 2 passengers to come. It turned out to be a father and son from Livingston (the Murphys), and it was the son's first flight, so I traded seats with him. He was so cute--they were really nice and made the trip pleasant.

We landed in Mesa at noon, which was 11 Mesa time. Sam picked me up about 10 minutes later and we drove out to Ahwatukee to Lisa's house. We wished her stepson Joey a happy 13th birthday, and then we all met Dad Layton and Becky at Mimi's Cafe for lunch. It was such a nice visit with them--we had delicious food and such a nice time talking. We parted ways and Sam and I headed down to Tucson to help Kristen get things ready for Owen's post-blessing dinner and Papa Bill's 84th birthday. I rocked Owen for 2 hours while Kris and Sam arranged her parents' house for the festivities. It was so sweet to sit in the Devers' gorgeous garden-of-eden backyard, watching the sun set over Pusch Ridge, snuggling my sweet baby nephew to sleep.

At about 8:30 pm, Sam drove me down into the valley to the Grandparents' house to sleep over. It was a sweet homecoming--so nice to sit in the quiet and chat with the g'rents on Grandpa's birthday eve. We chatted for a couple of hours, then went to bed. I slept in my old bedroom, on the Jenny Lind beds with the windows open. It was a perfect night's sleep! Little birds woke me up for church at 7:30am, but I went back to bed for another hour and a half! HOORAY! Best sleep ever! I went to the grandparents' sacrament meeting, then home for a little rest before we headed back to the Devers' for the baby blessing/dinner. It was so very sweet! Kristen's grandma, sister, and other extended family came, and all of my mom's siblings came, plus our sister Lisa, cousin Dave, Dad and Becky Layton and Aunt Maxine. The circle of blessing was HUGE, and the party was sweet. I hope Grampy had a good day--there was a whole lotta love in the room!

I am just hangin' out with Sam and Kris, ready to head back down to Gram & Gramp's house. I am so looking forward to another great night of sleep. I think I will feel so much better when I go home to see my babies...YAY! Thanks, Rich, for letting me come, and to all my amigas who are helping him with the kids this week. I am having a wonderful time, but I miss you guys like crazy! Hugs! (fotos coming soon)...

Friday, March 27, 2009

It Seems Like Years Since It's Been Here

It's been a long, cold week here. The girls are back in school and James and I have just been puttering around the house while it blizzards out side, getting things ready for my 5 days in AZ. So I don't have any fun pictures or anything this week.

I wish I had pix of last night, though, because we went to Heidi's preschool where the kids made a restaurant called Hot Wonko's and served us sampl platters of food they made yesterday during school. All the kids had on chef outfits and they served the foods they made. Heidi made PBJ sandwiches cut with cookie cutters into different shapes. There were also Little Smokies, Alfredo Pizza, Pasta Bake, Fruit Smoothies, and quesadillas. It was pretty fun and hte kids were sooooo cute!

I am so tired of winter. It's not just the snow--I'm cool with spring snow cuz it just melts and makes a very green May. But freezing temps at the end of March? Gimme a break! The wind chill last night was 5 below. That is ridiculous. What are my poor daffodils and tulips going to think? In fact this week I wanted to plant a bunch of seeds and do starts in the house and my MIL said we should wait two weeks to start plants because veggies can't even go out until Memorial Day weekend. GEEZ!

So here's the official song of springtime! If spring can't find me, then I'm gonna go find spring! (well, it's actually hotter than a Montana summer in AZ already, but hey--bring on the vitamin D!)

Sunday, March 22, 2009

My Daughter the Anti-Latino

On the way home from Helena last night Addie got the choose the DVD and she chose "The Three Caballeros"--the classic Disney tour of Latin America. Heidi objected thusly:

H: I hate this movie! No!
Me: Why do you hate it? It's a great show!
H: Because I hate Mexicans!
Me: [somewhat shocked because we freaking love all things Mexican in our home, except the immigration problem] No you don't, Heidi! You love Mexican food and music, and your friend Maria is Mexican!
H: NO SHE'S NOT! How many times do I have to tell you? She's CHINESE!
ME: How many times do I have to tell YOU, she's Mexican? Her mommy came from Mexico and she speaks Spanish--she's not Chinese, that's silly.
ADDIE: [piping up from the backseat] Yeah, that IS silly. How is a Chinese person going to come all the way to America???
[Richard and I were DYING in the front seat by now; I was laughing so hard I almost choked myself]
H: Okay, I don't hate Mexicans, I just hate the way they sing. They sing so stupid!
Me: Let's just watch the movie--it's fun to learn about Mexico and South America...and we dont' say stupid...

Then later on, today, Heidi asked to watch a Dora DVD and I said, "Are you sure you want to watch that? Dora is a Mexican, ya know."

"No she's not, mom. She's Chinese," Heidi responded.

"Then why does she speak Spanish?" I asked.

"She doesn't. She speaks Chinese."


We have much to celebrate this weekend! On Friday we drove to Helena and stayed over at Matt & Amie's awesome pad and had the WILDEST COUSINS PARTY EVER (11 kids). On Saturday, my nephew Jared Lehman was baptized in a very sweet mostly-family service. Congratulations, Jared!Thanks for inviting us!
Today, Sunday, we welcomed cough germs for the whole family and day five of another sinus/ear infection for me (I'm on day 3 of a z-pack) so we all stayed in bed. Also, we welcomed two new baby girls to our extended family...
a yet-to-be named Melin Niece down in Florida
and Lucy Marie Mayberry down in Arizona...
to Jess, Kelli, TJay, Summer, and Matthew
Cousin Dave, Lacy, and Penelope!
We can't wait to meet your sweet baby girls!

Also, today, down in Tucson, I missed a special reunion/memorial by all the "Pioneers of Music" alumni from Magee Jr. High for Bob Gabriel, our music director, who passed away last month. I would have loved to have been there--Pioneers totally reinforced my love of music and helped me to be a better performer. When I think back at what Bob Gabriel and Mari Bell accomplished at that school, it boggles my mind. I wonder how many music teachers and programs they spawned over--what--30 years? Amazing.
So now I'm off to flush my sinuses with saline and take a Claritin. The good news is that I can take decongestants now that I don't have a thyroid. The bad news is that I did my own searches the other night and found out that an enormous number of Graves patients have recurring sinus and ear infections (people who never had them before), even though all my doctors say it's not related or a side effect. Things that make you go hmmmm.
Six more days til AZ...the sun will do me good!

Friday, March 20, 2009

Livingston Photo Safari Alphabet Collage

Photo Safari on Wednesday

We went downtown on Wednesday to take a walk and do an Alphabet Photo Safari. Heidi took about 4 pictures, then she just wanted to find the letters and make me take the pictures. She did a great job. Here she is snapping away in front of the bank.

We also took big pictures of cool signs during our are some Livingston signs:

Heidi and James by the Montana flag in front of Sax & Fryer

[this my FAVORITE SIGN! Hilarious!]

We stopped for a little snack--blueberry scone and a St. Patty's sugar cookie and water--at the Bittersweet Cafe (next to the chiropractor's office).

Heidi bought this little fawn for $1 at Little Buckaroos Thrift Store.

Heidi ate a sugar cookie and named her fawn "Polly."

Heidi took this photo of me with James at the cafe. I looked a tired as I felt (no makeup--so scary), but I had a great time with James and Heidi! Soon I will photoshop our alphabet collage and post it! Fun!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009


Later I will post pictures from this morning's Alphabet Photo Safari with Heidi in downtown Livingston. Man, I love that girl. She is bursting at the seams with personality and sass; she is almost too much for me, but I strive everyday to figure out how to be her mom. The lyrics to "Maria" from Sound of Music often run through my mind when I think of her, and my mom job often feels like pinning down a cloud, keeping a wave on the sand, holding a moonbeam in my hand.

I read THIS POST from cjane today and I felt all kinds of amens coming on. I am often The Bull in a China Shop (speaking of flibbertyjibbits...) and often wish for more grace, more quiet strength. I mean, I am who I am, to a certain extent, I know this; I try to be grateful. I'm just sayin' I could make some better choices. I could learn to be a lady like cjane's Sister Ryan or my own dear grandmother (bless her heart--I'm sure I have horrified her sensibilities a zillion times!). Girlfriends, your thoughts on the secret of womanhood?


Dear Loved Ones,                                                                                                        We have just ...